Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

I’m not sure why you think that. They’ve never before removed a gold-sink mount from the vendors. There was no reason for anyone to think they would suddenly change that–without even a heads-up. (It’s still not been officially mentioned, not even when they announced the feat of strength.)

If they wanted the mount to be time-limited, they should have said so from the start of the expansion. People are rightly upset that the only “official” mention of the removal has been in this thread, and that was just a blue response to the OP’s speculation.

Okay, they don’t want too many AH mounts running around. Fine. Give us some non-AH versions to shoot for. I never needed an AH mount–I just want a sauropod mount and this was the only option.


or, they could be doing this:

bait and switch. baiting wow token buys, and then by the end of it, they backtrack and leave it on the vendor.

I’d be okay with that. I doubt very many folks have been buying tokens for the mount.

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I’m not quite sure why people always try to claim they’re doing things to increase token sales.

At 130K gold obtained per token, a person would have to spend $7,700 cash to buy the 5M gold mount.

No one in their right mind, regardless of how much free cash they had laying around…not even if they won the Mega Millions Lottery when the jackpot was 500M dollars…would do that.

Just stop with that as a reason for anything already. Sheesh. :roll_eyes:

It’s…not that bad. The tokens are only $20 US. Back when they were 160k gold each, we calculated that they were going to cost $560 to buy 5mil.

Your math is off, it’s $770.

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On both my servers I average 500g/toon profit just doing the Anchor weed transmute daily.
Beyond that each level 110 with a level 3 garrison averages around 500g/day with 5 mins work.
4 hours a week, 256k last month. (I may have too many alts). The month I actually farmed stuff I made around 475K playing less than 10 hours a week.

Your calculator is broken.

Also, I’ve talked to 4 or 5 people that were going to supplement their gold to buy it. Dropping the cash for 10-12 tokens, not the whole mount cost. I’d guess there’s quite a few more that would be tempted to pick up that last 1m than the full 5. It’s a valid theory and not that tinfoily.

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Yeah, I did add a zero that I didn’t mean to, sorry my bad didn’t mean to, but still…

$770 is a huge amount of money for probably a large number of people for something that isn’t even an actual thing…it’s pixels that don’t even belong to you. Enough that the average, everyday person isn’t going to do that no matter how much you spout “but push token sales 'cause money hungreh jerks!”

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100% agreed.

Not everyone has to have everything. Exclusivity and the ability to “show off” special items/rewards is healthy for an MMORPG. And this is coming from someone who has almost no such exclusive things.


The average? No, but there are a lot of people who will pay high prices for digital goods. I’ve played enough p2w games to see how much a fair amount of people will spend (not saying WoW is p2w, it isn’t. Just that people will spend thousands, and tens of thousands.).


Their tin foil hats are a little tight? It’s way too tight, cutting off the circulation to their brains. If you play the AH it is not so hard, I only have 500K to go.

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Wonderful good riddance.

Exclusive stuff should be labeled as such from the very start. They should have learned that lesson a few times over by now.


What is there to learn? They keep selling product with no recourse lol apparently what they are doing is working.

BTW stuff like this should not be exclusive. I’m not sure if anything should be exclusive in a game like this.


Clearly you’ve never heard of whaling, and why gamers really hate these kind of practices.


The thing is, nobody’s impressed if you have that mount. They either just want you to stand still for a moment so they can use your vendors, or they want you to get the heck out of their way.

No one is thinking, “I’m sooo impressed that guy has a big brutosaur mount!” Even if they think, “Cool mount,” they’re not noticing the player or being impressed by them. They’re just wondering how they can get the mount for themselves.

Fact: 5 mil is a lot of gold. Even if Blizz left the mount alone, and even counting for inflation, not “everyone” will ever have it.


That’s old school. Guys standing out in front of the bank with high-level gear, rare mounts, etc. That used to be a thing. Used to inspire other players.

Not only are those days gone, but I don’t know that a purchased mount would have ever done the same thing. Players have been consistently lacking in the acknowledgement of the determination/dedication/skill used to amass a large amount of gold. If anything, it’s the opposite.

I’m hitting my fatigue point, but I am sitting on 2.7mil so far. Getting two of them seems so out of reach, it’s disheartening. :frowning:


I’m confused. Why do you need two? Mounts are shared across accounts on the same b-net. Or are your accounts not connected?

In any case, I’m rooting for you! If I can’t get one, at least I can take vicarious pleasure from other folks getting theirs. :grin: (Which is not the same as being impressed by someone having the mount, lol.)


If I remember, one is for a son or other family member who has their own account. I’m not going to get close, I had a few alts in WoD and Legion but never figured out the mission table gold fountain before it was removed.