Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Why should people who are engaged in discussion be punished just because some other people want to flag everything they can?


On Old forums:
“We took away the downvote/dislike button because people were using it to “bury” posts they didn’t like as a way to semi-moderate the forums.”-Blizzard

On New Forums:
“Here’s a flagging button, which, after enough “flags” will automatically moderate the post(s) in question.”-Also Blizzard


You mean my reasons? Or other people’s reasons? Because I believe that wanting to not be manipulated is a good reason to be against something.
Granted I’m generally against content being gated or locked in general, not because I think that limited editions are necessarily always bad. But because I don’t really trust Blizzard with such strategies open to them.

Either they’ll try the psychology thing like they are here or they’ll just resell all the limited edition stuff in the cash shop one day, when they think the money they could make from that outweighs the money they already made from the people who grinded for it previously.

it would be nice to see people getting actioned for flagging posts which aren’t against the CoC… but that’ll never happen.

what DOES need to happen, is to redefine the flagging options.
having the ability to flag something simply because it’s “upsetting”, is not productive.

“upsetting” should not be an option.


The shouldn’t, but why should blizzard be forced to change the way their system works simply because other people are choosing to abuse a function to hurt other people?

If anything, Blizzard should be taking action against people who aren’t using the function properly. Its not like you can see when someone flags you.


Also truth.

It should go both ways.
They should make their system one where people don’t want to randomly flag.

God I wish.

Because it’s a lazy method that usually results in the thread staying locked for 24 hours, opening, and then almost instantly being locked again because it still counts the existing reports.

That’s what they should be doing instead of auto-locking the thread.

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It was probably posts like bigtrollmon, who came in JUST to troll and mock people and NOT discuss things that got it locked. There were a number of people who were NOT discussing, but simply purposely being rude.

Trolls love to enter hot threads, knowing they’ll get flagged and enough of the flags will get the thread locked. It doesn’t have to be spite flagging, it could be people simply reporting genuine trolls and enough of those reports … instant lock.


It still counts the existing reports? Really?


That’s insane.

I miss the old forums :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, they should, and someone should also be able to re-open said threads from being locked simply because of it.

Or blizzard can just bring back negative points, but that would show negativity in the forums and we can’t have that. /s

You’re not the only one. :wink:

I’ve seen that happen. Gets unlocked, then 5 minutes later its auto-locked again. Yeah, they really need to fix the forums.

it’s not “their system”.

pretty sure this forum software is a discord product

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I mean, it’s hard to explain otherwise. I’ve seen a thread get auto-locked, waited 24 hours, and it was auto-locked again within minutes of being unlocked.

The whole forum software is poorly put together and I hope they didn’t pay too much to license it.


Wow. That is pure madness.
And yeah, they really do.

I have no clue, but I’m pretty sure they can request and make changes as necessary.