Looks like I'm maining lock


Ele sham at heart however looking at our hero talents, hero animations, and overall class fantasy ideas I can’t lie to myself anymore. Shaman is completely underwhelming in every aspect. There appears to be no real effort or initiative realised in the potential we could have had. It’s just a game…but it does really suck not to be excited about a class you want to be excited to play.

We are the watered down, red headed stepchild of mages/locks. It’s really disappointing. Interesting reading the difference in problems between the warlock and sham class forums. And you guys thought YOU had problems.

Warlocks seem to have awesome animations and testers are saying there’s a lot to be excited about, especially aff is getting some much needed TLC.

EDIT Thanks for the kind replies and positive chatter everyone, and not roasting me because I’ve expressed an opinion.


Same with me, Shaman would need a big sized rework to modernise the overall class to keep me staying. So far, Monk and Warlock looks extremely appealing

If they didn’t fix Hunter I would have gone Warlock.
I’m still like 65-45 Hunter Lock. But you wont go wrong with Warlock. All 3 specs are so good in TWW.

I feel sorry for Shamans. Hopefully you get the X.0.7 treatment like Paladins and Priests got this expansion. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

And hey… if you’re a lore guy well… transitioning form Shaman to Warlock is honestly just the natural order of things. :wink:


All the times they said they’d fix Shaman, and it just got worse or put off with “We don’t have time at this moment” ended with me becoming Destro Lock and it feels like it would be Shaman if it had some lightning but I like it as an alternative until they actually fix Elemental Shamans and the terrible choice design they put into it and they remove Ice Fury from their tree cause it’s janky in the rotation.

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I have been playing ENH since WOD and last week for the first time I tried ELE. Set up everything for it etc. Obviously with 1 week of playing I can’t be as good as someone who mained ELE for years but the issues are obvious to me.

I like the fantasy and you can get some ok dps going but it just seems really weird to spread flame shock. I have been playing destro also forever and I thought that we had an issue with spreading immolate. ELE is on a whole another level of weird with the dot spreading.

I really hope they do the same for ELE like what they did to destro, shuffle these talents around so they make sense. put that elemental in the middle of the tree.

I’m actually happy with new Destro talent tree. Almost perfect.

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Yeah, Flame Shock spreading was one of the big factors for me when I ultimately stopped playing my Shaman early Shadowlands.

I have no clue why they are using such a dated and clunky design for flameshock still. Even LMT sucks compared to Shadowcrash and Vile Taint.

Just break the safety glass and take off it’s cooldown + make it automatically go to 4+ targets. Who cares how powerful this sounds, Ele is garbage on the beta atm.

To bring this more on topic, I’m LOVING Afflock on Beta. Both hero trees. 100% Maining it.


I understand. the destro lock looks like it will be exciting again!! I love the shaman and the lock class. I found a way to balance them by having the lock as my main DPS and my shaman as my main Healer.

I love Shaman too and usually split my time across Shaman, Warlock and Rogue but both Shaman and Rogue are looking pretty bad. I’m thinking about doing Warlock and DK mostly in TWW, maybe some mage since they seem to have gotten all the love.

That’s a good thought. Maybe I might look at hunter alongside warlock as well. I definitely need something totally fresh. I always fold and go back to shaman, but man, after having a holistic view of shamans hero talents, and how it physically animates, it’s borderline embarrassing. Shaman’s being repetitive and needing updates are one thing, to have your hero talents as an expansion main feature, be complete lackluster, that’s absolute failure on blizzards part. As MS Ele, when I saw I could pick between some awful ancestor procs or tempest, and looked at how stupid the shaman looks with their arms raised in the air, I laughed half in horror, half out of how ridiculous it looked. My expectations aren’t as entitled as what some people might be, but tbh it looks like they have put almost the bare minimum effort into almost every aspect of shaman.

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For me I’m trapped in between warlock and mage. Booths three specs look fun and with arcane being made easier and fire working better they are more so now.

I guess I need to decide if I want a class with a spec to dot dmg and consider the other utilities brought.

Warlocks do have better survival and solo capabilities…