Looking for a group of people who want to push keys past 10 once or twice a week. If you are interested please let me know your role and how to reach out.
interested! i’m a healer and my tag is Yunico#2898
Request Sent @Astyanix. DiscoJoe here.
Anyone else?
Tank (Guradian Druid, Prot Warrior or VDH) - Whims#11849 (Bnet)
607 Fury Warrior. Btag: Meshuga#1643. Thanks!
Resto shaman here, plenty of previous season KSM and high IO scores. Please add me if you need heals. Djb#11528
I am interested! Catalist#1183
Aug/Dev Evoker 609 ilvl
I’m very interested.
Sin Rogue 611 ilvl - 2241 M+ Score
2100 holy paladin, can ret as good as the next as well….discord Chaoticpeach#6315. Bnet chaoticpeach#1547
Hello I am interested I mainly play tank. As of right now I have all max tanks and main bear/warrior tank. If interested please reach out Upyurs#1313 with questions on experience and times thank you!