Looking to possibly transfer

Hello , I have been looking at few realms to possibly transfer to and the 2 leading ones are Emerald Dream and Wyrmrest accord, what im wondering is what makes ED better than WrA?
I’m always doing some type of PVE but usually end up pvping the whole expansion and havent really Role played since end of wrath.
Last question would be how easy is it to find a guild on horde preffered or even alliance that is a good mix or pve but leaning towards pvp be it wpvp or bgs.

Mains a balance druid and also have fury warrior.

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Go WrA.

There’s more options for you there. Here on horde it is currently pretty limited. Most RP guilds don’t pve for the most part.

Pvp is very common in RP guilds but horde is spread very thin because there’s so many RP guilds that are race specific. We only have a few here that aren’t race specific and those are pretty small so you need to keep that in mind that most RP guilds on horde are gonna be small like 1-10 people on at all times.

The big guilds are pvp focused only and don’t rp at all usually so at ED you kinda gotta take your pick. Either you RP and pug pvp with randos or allied guilds or you don’t RP and join a big pvp guild which has 40+ people on at all times doing pvp.

So if you wanna focus more on RP and Pve I say WrA. But that’s just me


Thanks for the replay , thats what i was trying to figure out , my post may not have come off well but what i ment was i do pve but majority of my time is pvping either bgs or wpvp , my roleplay is almsot non exsistent for almost 10 years is what i was trying to get across lol was rushed typing the post.

Then come to ED. A lot of horde are helpful and willing to help with RP backstories and stuff. We just don’t have many PvE Rpers that’s why I figured WrA would be better but if you enjoy pvp by all means head to ED


Elves of the north would welcome you.

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Get off my lawn

shakes fist

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ED is awesome, we have a fair amount of everything going on here and the players on both factions are really cool. My guild is PVE heavy with PVP and RP tendencies.
extends business card. there is a leaf painted on its face
Contact Akuma#1322 for inquiries of any nature :slight_smile:


Felweed Cartel is dank af.


Emerald Reapers will welcome you if we are of interest. Good luck on your search friend. :slight_smile:

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Elves of the north has already taken in a few xferes from WRA. so far they enjoy it. Youd be welcome

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