Looking to limit how many times a WeakAura can be triggered per given time interval

What’s the simplest way to implement a “cooldown” in a WeakAura? I have a WeakAura whose only trigger is Player/Unit Info / Health / Unit:Player / Health % <= 25. Generally when this starts triggering, it spams a few times. My guess is that it gets triggered every time my health changes, AND it’s 25% or less?

In any case, I don’t know LUA, or any other scripting specific to WoW. Ideally, maybe this would only be triggered one time when I reach the health threshold, and then it would maybe wait for another 5-10 seconds before it can be triggered again.

I’m very out of my element here, but if I could just add some kind of logic that executes AFTER the WeakAura does it’s thing, like so:

start timer
while (timer < waitPeriod)
clear timer

Any help would be greatly appreciated!