Looking to join or build a 1-day 6-9 EST raiding guild

Greetings, folks.

Over a few weeks looking for a place to call home for The War Within, I have realized that what I am really looking for is not in the market. There are scarcely few 1-day guilds, and practically no group that raids from 6 to 9 EST.

I would like to know if there isn’t really a 6-9 EST guild out there. And if that is the case, if there are others who share an interest in building a 1-day group, filled with people who value their time and are looking to raid as efficiently as possible? At first, true mythic progression seems unrealistic coming from the ground up, but shooting for a quick AoTC and dabbling in the first mythic bosses should be more than possible. If that sounds interesting, please reach out to me in Discord (.melarius).

On the other hand, if your guild meets those criteria, please post here.

Hi Gizak,
We *almost meet what you’re looking for, but our raid time is Tuesday 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST. If you’d like to chat add my bnet and I’ll be happy to answer any questions.

Our guild info below:

Bnet: KassiG#1130