Looking to join a magic guild!

Hello everyone! I was wanting to try to find a magic themed guild to join for roleplay. I’ve always enjoyed writing magic and writing in that sort of setting; so I wanted to find a place that would seem welcoming. Looking for lore abiding, lore bending at best. I enjoy following the rules of how things work while finding ways to create unique settings.
I originally checked for the magus senate of Dalaran, but all the discord invites I found for them were expired - so I’m not sure if they’re still ongoing as I’m just returning to the game after a break.

The Pook doesn’t know much magic myself, but I can do that thing where it looks like you’re removing the tip of your thumb and sliding it back and forth. Can’t really find a guild for people who can do the thumb magic though.

Good luck on your search!

MSOD is indeed still active and recruiting! - Ill let them know about their discord link! (nitro boosting so their link is down) reach out to them though!

I actually just did in game, thank you! I’m planning to keep looking around. I’ve had some bad guild experiences in the past, so I wanna feel around and check out a few places and see how things feel. ^^

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