Headed over from Bleeding Hollow which is a dead server for Alliance.
I’ve heard some good things about Moonguard and was looking to transfer my Protection Warrior main and 6 other alts (healers and some dps) to Moonguard. Looking to do Mythics, PVP, some RP, and raiding when I can find the time in my schedule.
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Welcome! Good luck on your search. MG is a great place and bunch of guilds out there! 
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Welcome home, my friend. Look through the guild posts here and reach out to people in game. A lot of the RP guilds are really, really social and will likely let you join the discord to see if it’s right for you first!
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Hey hey there, I think I got your kinda group right here! The Dusk Bell Unity is a RP/PvE guild that both has the great experience of RP with many and different mind boggling storylines, but also getting heavy on the raiding aspect of the game. We’re also doing mythic dungeons now! Check us out some more!
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Hi Brohirrim,
We might be a good fit for you. We also got our start on Bleeding Hollow back in '04.
We’re a Kul Tiran military RP-PvP guild, and while our primary focus is RP-PvP, we also play the game and do our fair share of M+ and plenty of BGs and WPvP. We play War Mode ON most of the time, go on patrol and hunt down Horde. We’re all adults, most of us with careers and families so we’re also time-limited and we try to be flexible and considerate with everyone’s schedule. Our raiding is mostly limited to LFR but if we’ve discussed possibly getting a small raid group together with one of our allied guilds to do some of the content on Normal at least.
Link for more details - [A-RP-PvP] Kul Tiras Marines
Link to our Discord - https://discord.gg/rf5Fwky
Levelling is so easy now-- I really would advise you don’t waste your money. Roll some new mains and level here.
It’s a fun place to call home.
Well, I’ve had this character since vanilla, and 125 bucks isn’t really that much to me considering this is one of the few games I actually will be playing for a while.
Just transferred and looking into the options you all were talking about.