Oof this is going to be a tough one since it’s been so long. Anyways like many folks who come in and out of WoW I was hoping to see at least some folks from the good ole days. Now with several server mergers and the like it would seem I can’t hardly find anyone from the OG Mok’Nathal (we talking BC days when the server was new!). Anywho just trying to see if anyone is left from then
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Yeah I’m getting the same thing that I can’t connect and I want to play WoW now
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I was here. Although Horde at the time (TBC) in a guild called Nemesis (H). I just got back on the server for nostalgia reasons. Playing a Horde Lock named hottodot having fun but don’t see any OG’s like Lenda, Unk, Grimfang, Miribella and the many more people I played with in Nemesis. I remember Azure Castle, Velocity and Katanas Edge guilds (A) side oh and Azeroths Playmates.
PS- sorry I necro’d this.