Looking to assist with pushing normal raids

So everyone is saying they can’t do normal’s, to hard, no one will help etc etc etc. Normal’s are a hair line fraction harder then LFR but that’s besides the point I’m here to help those people who have HOURS to grind there teeth against looking for raid (because some of those are horrid) yet don’t have hours to try normal? That’s just weird.

Regardless I am offering my healing assistance I can’t carry a raid but if anyone needs the help, I offer my services for free Thursday 9:00pm EST - 12:00AM EST or Saturday 9:00PM EST - 12:00AM EST. Tell me the name of the group you are forming or listing and I will find it and be there to help you out.

You want the slime mount I am willing to assist you put the work in to get it and want nothing in return.

Also this will be on going for the next few weeks: at least 2 full rotations of the fated raid cycle.


I approve of this post. I hope you help at least some people out. The more the better.

Maybe at the end they’ll realize how easy it was.

Hopefully some people come together here and we make it happen. is hordes can post in “this X this” or make a complaint post about blizzard I assume they can also post here and come together to get what it is they want so badly. At least the forum suggest they want so badly based off the post.

I’ll keep this bumped up for awhile in hopes a few people take the offer and I can help out.

Wrong. Not everyone. I am someone, being part of everyone, and I’m not saying any of those things.

What I’m saying is, I just do not want to do a normal raid without MY raid team. They won’t re-sub until we have a new dev and management team. So, no normal or better for me until those unpleasant elements are gone and my peoples come back.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

I am just curious of your age bracket? Because while your personal choice what if your team never returns? many people move on from friends, work, games, etc are you just going to be stagnate and do nothing but complain? I am not suggestion you are one of them that are but if others think like you, They will complain its not in LFR but do nothing to attempt normal because of such reasons?

Have you ever worked at an office then transfered to a new one? or get a new job? Do you tell your new boss you won’t do work until my peoples come back? I am just trying to wrap my noodle around your thought process and maybe I am not young enough: or old enough? to understand the logic in your post.

Either way free bump thank you my offer still stands to those that want it if they want it.

I think they be waiting a long time or until Microsoft takes over and cleans house

His “team” reminds me of this clip when it comes to returning.

bump /RSK to the top

I have no issue helping raids. My timing is Asian though.

Has anyone actually reached out or were we right in assuming GD just wanted to cry and complain.

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No one has reached out. I would like to think better of this community but it seems everyone just wanted a reason to be internet tough and complain and whine and “im quitting gg qq” and not a single person wants help.

I won’t say I called a bluff because im still hopeful I can help at least a group of people come together and clear it out, get some gear and the mount.

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Welcome to the wow forums. Bunch of keyboard warriors who just like to complain.

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I would also happily offer my healing or DPS for normals, and I’ll even do call outs and explain mechanics for you guys.


you get anyone to reach out homie?

nope not yet but still hopeful some will see it and be like, oh cool lets get it done then, oh cool wow that really wasn’t hard at all.

Hmmm, I wonder why no one reached out!

LFR is harder, because it’s a raid with no raid leader, and players are not screened by the system for proof of experience. So there are people in there trying to complete a quest that they probably shouldn’t have been given, because they’re not ready for raiding. Like grandma with vision problems.

While someone is in queue for LFR they can do anything else they want (besides queue). While you are in a raid that is filling, you can’t do anything. While you are trying to get into a group (assuming you aren’t one of those supremely overqualified players who never has issues getting in a group), you have to sit and wait to see if you get in.

Guild raiding is a waste of time for people who aren’t interested in progression. Having to change your life to fit into somebody else’s schedule, drop family responsibilities on another family member, etc. But raiding in wow in general wastes far more time than other, more modern games with raids.

That’s why a lot of people prefer LFR. You actually waste less time.

The idea that the only two things that anyone can do in the game are…

  1. Raiding
  2. Complaining about raiding

is very odd.

Help me out here with a few things: also thanks for the free bump.

“LFR is harder”
Then why do it? the over all thought seems to be is "LFR is easy, I should be able to do it as a casual and just walk through it and get the same rewards as the next person.

“You actually waste less time in LFR”
How does this work outside heals and tank ques? On average as dps I wait 15-45 mins a que, sometimes less, sometimes way more. You then go in with I will be nice and say the most unique group of people anyone ever met and once you are with these people you are stuck for 30 minutes REGARDLESS of how they perform to avoid debuff.

You can either: A) Face roll these instances which yes you are right if a ringer shows up to show off you indeed will walk through these

Or more commonly spend 5-25 minutes (if not longer) per boss depending on uh how unique the group is you are in performs.

So finger paint math time.

Average to a 25 minute que with a FORCED 30 minute wait timer puts you at 55 minutes - just to get in and if you choose to leave.

25 minutes with lets average every boss around 10 minutes - 4 bosses is 40 minutes - On average so you can remove the 30 from that and say each wing will take you 65 minutes to complete.

To complete all 4 wings we can say the 3 (without the end boss) is 65 X 3 which is 195 minutes which is 3 hours and 15 minutes: Adding the level of derp on end bosses you can look at any place from 15-50 minutes on them we again will just average this to 25 minutes. So 3 hours and 40 minutes of what many would describe as THE WORST experience ever is indeed “harder” but waste less time? lets sort that out you maybe right but also…

Most average guilds who do only normal content (which is alot) cleared a normal raid in under two hours - saving time. yes there is a set time and place but it is normally faster then anything in LFR.

My guild in example cleared heroic fated castle in 2 hours 35 minutes. (counting break) So the time saver don’t seem to apply but any guild who is going group content on average will knock these things out the park: Unless of course it is progression which most of this is not.

It seems people have a hard time understanding that other people have different lifestyles.

Nah I doubt this. Super good groups can. But I would say most Casual Normal Raid Groups do a normal clear in 3 hours. I say this as someone who pugs into Guild Runs often, and is often the only non guildie.

One thing you need to take in to account - people have different lives.

If I have 2 hours a day to raid - and not always at the same time every day - LFR can be split into multiple sessions, at a time that works for you. You can do 3 bosses today, 3 tomorrow, 3 the next.

It is not just about being easier or taking less time - but scheduling and availability that can keep people out of organized Normal raiding.