Looking to add some players more on the casual side of the game

I already have a guild of my own on both Ally and Horde for myself, my wife, and our family and friends. However, I’m the only one who plays fairly regularly, so I am looking to see about making some friends who are willing to just hang out and do whatever. We can raid, do open world stuff, or try to do more stuff like Heroic and Mythics, eventually. I have a community that I have created myself and it is cross faction. I’m just looking to find some friendly players and none of us are required to put in a specified amount of time per week, though we can indeed make plans to do stuff weekly if people want to.

Hi, sure add me! :slight_smile:

Feel free to send me a friend request! :slight_smile:

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I am looking for the same, feel free to add me. ripsterxox#1529

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I’ll send you a request but just in case, here is my battlenet Juniperberry#1342

I play regularly in the evenings and built up my ‘alt army’ on horde and alliance that I’m bringing into DF to do world content, professions and already chosen my alliance and horde warlocks to pug m+ and to fill an empty raid spot, may also bring my shammy to heal m+ and raids.

Currently I’m farming transmog and mounts, then leveling my remaining 50s to 60 during the 50% bonus leveling in October.

As mentioned, I’m online regularly and it would be cool to hang out with others and do things together whether it’s leveling our characters and farming prior to DF and after it the new xpac launches.


You all may be interested in our community . We are an older group (age 30+) who play mostly in the evenings and have been running full 5 man mythic plus groups and we’ve all made KSM this season. We are loooking for more as we move into Dragonflight. We are non-hardcore but strive to clear keys up to 15-17. We are looking to form a raid group for Normal/Heroic, not interested in Mythic raiding or pushing keys in the 20s. We are cross-faction and server, not looking for others to switch servers etc. If interested I’d love to chat with you. Biggest thing we look for is actively playing the game through the week and active on our Discord to stay engaged. Please feel free to contact me at Battle Tag - Tyeranny#1213 or Discord - Tyeranny#4953.

Hope to hear from you all!


New player here. Looking for ppl to quest/dungeon/do stuff with. Pls let me know if you are interested.
Currently am just questing through shadowlands to hit lvl 60.
