Looking for WPvP RP GUILD

So i’m trying to make a return back into the game and willing to buy a booster for level but only if I can find a nice RP guild to hang around and build story with. Horde or Alliance are fine with me, just would love to be part of the community again in some way.

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To be honest I would say lvl that character either on WRA or Moon Guard those are RP realms, ED is no longer.

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Here is a link to the ED Community discord.
ht tps://discord.gg/Ha4u7eg

There are plenty of great guilds here and hope you find what you are looking for. /salute


The Order of the Sun (Alliance) immediately springs to mind as a guild you might like. Very big into PvP, and they’re currently going through an RP campaign and staying involved in community RP.

I don’t know our other guilds quite as well as I do them, but I do know that many provide RPPvP experiences. It’s part of Emerald Dream culture. I highly suggest you check out our Discord. You can speak with members of all our guilds, and there’s also a looking-for-guild channel there.

Good luck on your search!


Both those communities say their pvp is a low focus…


He is looking for RP , WRA and MG are best RP servers.