Hello! A small group of friends including myself are looking for a weekend raiding guild for Dragonflight! Two of the people will be raiding consistently and are interested in progression, both have raided endgame content in past expansions and are experienced raiders. One will be Evoker DPS and the other will be Mage DPS. The other two (myself included) will be playing more casually but we all want to be in the same guild since we’re friends IRL. I’ll be playing Hunter or DH DPS and the other casual will be Mage I believe.
Faction: Alliance
Raiding availability: Weekend only, anytime Saturday/Sunday.
What you get: Two experienced raiders to DPS for your raid team! Plus two filthy casuals that are also experienced but unable to raid. All will contribute to your guild!
What we get: A home where we can enjoy the game together and with others!
If your guild is a fit for us, reply here or you can add me on Discord: Gridlock#2946.