Fire Mage:
Used to do some Mythic raiding, had to take a couple months off due to some child stuff, and had to play some catch-up Looking for at the least a team that wants heroic progression, moving into mythic raiding. Thursday nights, all the way through Sunday work.
Also game to push keys and pvp for the gears for raiding. Raiding is my passion. I put in the work, learn the mechanics, and won’t be a liability.
Hello there, sounds like we may be a fit.
A bit about our guild. Carried is a newly formed guild with solid leadership that has server first experience. We are looking to jump right into heroic if possible. So ideally we are looking for 195ilvl and 10/10CN but we can work with you if you are a little short of that. We raid Friday and Saturday at 6pm server aka 9 EST. We could certainly use a ranged pumper.
You can hit me in game on cosmanova or discord Gorlock#7739
Hi there! I’m from Serendipity here on Kil’Jaeden and we are looking for more able ranged dps to help us fill our roster for mythic! We raid Saturday and Sundays from 9pm-12am PST (server time) and are currently 10/10H and 1/10M. Please feel free to add me to btag at Astral#11326 and we could chat more if you’re interested!