How do you do that without logging in to every server and creating a new character?
Where are you located? State & country will be sufficient to answer you.
That might be something better answered in the tech support level, but technically servers are not individual. You could be playing on a server in Central US, but then put in a Australian instance, depending on time of day and who you group with. There are to my knowledge 3 host sites, 2 in the US, 1 for AU/NZ, so your ping times may vary no matter where you are.
If you live in the US I would suspect most servers would show 10-40ms, 100-150 if you intentionally log into a AU/NZ marked server.
Edit, cause it was moved from CS
We wish, but not for most of us who don’t live near Chicago or Las Vegas.
Chicago area
Anyone of the Chicago data center would have the lowest however since you are centarl US you most likely will not see any play difference between east and west coast data centers
The difference between connecting to Las Vegas or connecting to Chicago (especially when in Chicago) will be noticeable. As someone who also plays on Chicago, my ping to Las Vegas is 35ms higher. I highly recommend playing on a Chicago realm if you’re in that area, since your ping will be incredibly low.
I live on the west coast play on the central servers the total ping differences is 15ms between the two. if you ping is under 50 its really not going to make a differences due to the tick rate of the wow servers
Yeah, connection from west to central does seem more stable. My connection from the southeast to west is 85-90ms. Connection to Chicago is 49-55ms.
Well, I managed to get 15-20ms pings, so that’s an improvement from the 50-55ms pings that I’m used to.
Though, I wish Blizzard just added the pings to the server page so that we would know which one would be a better choice for us.
That being said, ty all for your help!
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