Hey all! I’m a burnt-out STEM student looking to start another hobby to distract from the daily rigors of life; figured WoW was a fine place to start.
Looking for people to learn with (albeit very casually) and just spend time generally enjoying the game!
General Background: Female, in my 20s, I have no previous in-depth WoW knowledge so seasoned players be warned! When I’m not slaving away in unpaid medical school internships I’m reading or watching other people play games lol.
Discord ID: PharmaCee#0411
US based in the EST time zone. I am currently on vacation now but will be available to play beginning in the first week of June
Adding you on discord - I run a girls only discord for wow and other online games - you’re more than welcome to join!
(as well as any ladies reading this message!)
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Hi there!
I just thought I would pop in here. While you are playing an Alliance toon it seems, if you are interested in possibly swapping to Horde, I think I have a good spot for you with my guild Echelon.
Not only are we rebuilding right now, so we aren’t really pushing people to do, or be, anything in particular right now, but we also have a few newer players joining our ranks.
I am 100% interested in building a community of players who all enjoy playing games together, and want to be a part of a family/guild environment.
HERE is my recruiting thread on these forums. If we look like a good fit for you, and you feel that swapping to Horde might not be a bad idea…I am always available on Battlenet, or Discord.
I won’t add you on Discord, and disturb your vacation, but I would love to chat with you when you get back…If we seem like a good fit!
Fantastic! Thank you! Just accepted 
Just sent you a friend request in Discord! I recently got back into WoW after a loooong absence. I played from release (2004) up through Cataclysm, then a bit of Pandaria. My skills are pretty rusty so it’ll be like starting from scratch in some ways lol. Hit me up and let’s play! I’m down to reroll on any server, horde or alliance doesn’t matter. Cheers!
Hey dude!
I am sorry that my goofing with you went past the point of being silly. I was literally typing a “I’m just messing with you” as you unfriended me.
If you wanna have a chat, let’s do it?
Community forums really do have the best of the casual people <3 Sadly, I haven’t found a community that is lasting & active- that is small enough for family home. We do have a community channel set up, and a public /used discord if you just want company to hang out with. I’m not sure it should be encouraged-- I saw the words… medical school… in there… 
good luck <3
if transferring/alliance consideration… recruitment posts and contact info… here