Looking for Skimpy? I've got you (Un)Covered!

They really need to get it through their heads that making something mildly sexual or suggestive doesn’t make it abusive. Leave it in for the people that enjoy that kind of thing.


this is amazing


First search on google brought me here and I am happy this exists. Hopefully, I can get these items still.

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Alot of these you can buy on the AH, since they’re BoE

For what its worth, while not skimpy, the Selfless Watcher’s Legguards from the the Kyrian cloth set when worn will sit lower on a toon’s body, similar to hip hugger jeans. And they don’t flare or anything so they look like skintight leggings.

Nothing about the game is realistic though. There just needs to be enough armor to suit everyone’s taste. It has no morality meter and none should be applied to it. Kids see worse at a Dr. Office in a magazine/ anywhere on tv or a waterpark, and they also are seeing it in a realistic way, not a fantastical way. Ban waterparks, beaches, and anything I guess.

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Ffxiv has just as much mogs and worse majority of people mod there with entirely nsfw outfits its the most hyper sexualized game ever played.

People who talk about the treatment of females (speaking for most of us without our real opinions) and use ingame armor as any sort of reference are misguided. By speaking against revealing armor youre also shaming those who genuinely love it making far more bad than good. Youre not a white knight of morality and grace. Youre adding to the issue by making it an issue. Clothing is clothing. Wear it or don’t.