Hello, I am on the search for an Horde RP guild, decided to switch to classic since I enjoy it more than retail. Forever DM in Dungeons and Dragons and am using WoW to scratch the itch to RP hahaha
Hit up the RP Discord. There’s a thread with the link on the forums.
I’m seeing more and more RP guilds on Hordeside and there are plenty on Alliance side as well.
Yeah, definitely join the Buccaneer Bay Discord server for RP connections on BsB, it’s the most active form of communication on the server.
That said you’ll find a handful of Horde RP guilds, though maybe not actively recruiting. You’ll have to search around and inquire yourself because what I’ve heard recently is that the few big Horde RP guilds aren’t advertising much so they don’t grow too quickly.
Welcome to the server, though, and I hope you find what you’re looking for! The Horde side is definitely smaller but certainly growing.
Welcome to the server, we got both discords listed in a post not too far down so you can get in both and see whats what