Looking for reroll guild

Honestly, looking to get back into the game and am really tired of picking up the same toons. If there are any newer reroll guilds or people interested in starting one. please send me a bnet message Jupiter#1747. I have cleared every heroic tier ive played and have played some mythic before the guilds fell apart I was in.

Edit: not sure why this was posted on a wow classic character. I meant this for retail.

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Evening! I will send you a message on Btag. We just started a small reroll guild on Illidan-Horde. We are small but going to be growing quickly.

Hi there Vladn!

Found a Green Quest (Est. March 2018) a horde PVE guild with a cross-realm community is located on Zul’jin. We’re a small but growing fun, friendly, social family. We have a big focus on fun in and out of Azeroth.

We host community events such as fun contests, leveling groups, crazy mythics/dungeons/raids and more!

If you would like more information, have any interest or have any questions please reach out to me on here, battle.net or discord.

Real ID: Kiua#1912
Discord: Kiuayoukai#2395

Im currently looking for leadership help in starting/creating a fresh new reroll guild. hit me up! Hatred#1522

sent u a pm

Hey there! If you’re not against going Horde I’m currently trying to build up 2 teams for 8.3 and beyond raiding, we’re starting up and have many open spots! Check us out!

< After Work >

@ [H] US - Mal’ganis

We are a dual raid team guild, led by CE raiders with previous leadership experience. One team is AOTC+/casual and the other is CE/semi-hardcore. Both raid atmospheres are laid back, but focused and goal oriented. We plan to fully launch our CE team by Patch 8.3.

We do not cater to the easily offended, nor do we want players who think it’s interesting or cool to act like a high schooler.

Weekday CE Team Information
Tuesday: 5 - 9pm Central
Thursday: 5 - 9pm Central
Goal: Achieve CE every tier and sell heroic runs on our off days.
Needs: All - We are building exclusively for 8.3

Weekend AOTC+ Team Information
Saturday: 7 - 9pm Central
Sunday: 7 - 9pm Central
Goal: Achieve AOTC every tier and dabble in Mythic for fun.
Needs: DPS, Heals, OFF-spec tanks

Interested? Apply now! It’s super fast and easy. :heart:
