What’s up, Juju?
Hope all’s well, I’m recruiting for Koalaty Time, on Mal’ganis (H). You can see our recruitment post here:
I see you don’t mention what you’re looking for PVE wise, but other than that, I feel that you and your bud could be a good fit in our guild. We’re currently in N BoD and will be in H soon. We raid Fri/Sun 8-1030pm EST. We’re currently assembling an RBG team for Saturday nights during the same time, I figure you guys might be into that. We offer a great community. We have a positive / casual environment, I host the occasional social event night where I host some mini games for gold prizes, we have people running M+ daily, and we keep it light. Most of us are full-time employed adults who are hopping on to enjoy our time, so we have fun.
If you’d like to chat, feel free to add me on bnet(Conweezy#1387). I’m going to send you a request since your info is above. I’d love to get you in our Discord so you can hang out and see what our guild’s all about.
Hope to hear from you,