Got a few questions, and generally speaking I am only looking to do +10s-12s to get my vault done then play other stuff.
- Do you only ever use revenge when it has a free proc?
- Do you macro any offensive CD’s together like Avatar and Spear?
- What CD’s do you prio offensively when you have everything up and you’re not worried about surviving the current pull? (since these are pretty mid-level keys let’s assume that I’m never worried about surviving anything I pull)
- Do you take Ravager, why or why not? (the build I have does not take it and it does feel a bit awkward/less efficient to play with it)
5. Is there any buff I need to be tracking to improve damage? I don’t really care if I’m at 100% of what I could do, but over 85-90% of my potential output would be fair
Depends on what your hero talent build is. Shield slam is your main source of rage so will be very important to use as much as you unless rage capped. Thane you pretty much use revenge when it procs and when nothing else is available. Colossus you use revenge as much as you can use tclap to fill dead globals, Shield slam is where you get rage “violent outburst should be used on shield slam”.
I would play colossus its damage is much higher and I find it a more enjoyable playstyle. Ravager is to help fuel your rage generation and to help with aggro on pulls etc "spam revenge with that rage and build up a good demolish. The non ravager build is just for the very top end and more defensive. Here is an example key was just a NW +10 with very conservative pulls, if going by details it was like 1.1 to 1.2 million dps. I cannot link logs on the forums but if you sent me a bnet friend request I can link it and answer any questions that you have. Tolak#1745, If going Colossus there is a WA I use with sound and a visual tracker that I use to track stacks of colossal might.