Hello Bloodsail Buccaneers. I am currently on Grobbulus server, but now seriously considering a new home. I enjoy solo quests but also enjoy meeting and grouping with others on dungeons and raids. How is the community on Bloodsail Buccaneers? I prefer RP realms as I find it adds to the game experience and am curious if there is active RP on the realm?
Appreciate any feedback, thank you!
There is active RP. We’re just starting a server event related to the zombie invasion pre-patch. It’s cross faction, so both Alliance and Horde will be participating.
There’s also a Discord for RPers. The community is pretty good for other things as well.
There is indeed active rp with monthly events happening for horde and new rp guilds popping up for Wrath!
Horde side is pretty close knit and friendly.