Looking for PC Upgrade advice

Hello and thank you for your feedback.

My current machine is getting rather old-
I5-3570K (not overclocked currently)
24GB ram
GeForce GTX 770

Shadowlands for the most part runs ok on medium settings solo and 5man dungeons. Where I’m having issues is in 25man raids during boss fights with heavy load. I’ve tried turning settings down to almost the lowest they can go but I’m still seeing real low fps and delays that affect spell casting rotations.

That being said I’d like to upgrade but have a limited budget. My motherboard will only support up to i7-3770 series chip. While I’d like to upgrade both the Motherboard/CPU and video card I can not afford to do both right now.

I’d like to hear opinions on upgrading the CPU/Motherboard vs. Video card for my setup. I’m considering sticking a GTX 1650S or 1660S card in for now but I’m not sure if I will really see much of a boost because of the age of the CPU.

Thanks again!

I’d recommend just sitting on it until holiday seasons are over. Supplies are very low right now and some items are too expensive for what they are.

  1. Assuming you can, I’d overclock the CPU
  2. Grab a used gpu from your local craigslist/marketplace. Rx 580/ gtx 1060/1070 The 1070 should be ~$200 ball park and the other 2 cards aim for ~$130 area.

While I agree you should OC the CPU, the lack of new GPU inventory has increased the used GPU market. I would grab a GTX 1660s if it becomes available in the next 60 days otherwise you have new low end GPUs coming out in the spring. I would then start saving for a new platform.

Thanks to you both for the suggestions/advice. With the prices I’m seeing on newer cards right now I’m in total agreement. Going to look for an older/budget card and see about OCing what I have for now, hopefully that will make raids more enjoyable for the time being.