Looking for Pandaren themed/accepting guilds Horde

Hello there!
As the title says I’m looking for Pandaren themed/accepting rp guilds on horde (though ‘neutral’ mindset is just fine with me as well!)
If your guild does pve or pvp content I am flexible as well, doing more casual content of either.
Thank you! :slight_smile:

Steelpaw is still open for recruitment.

As a fair warning we are still kind of comatose at the moment but since the last Pandaren Summit we have been trying to…rejuvenate, let’s say. What better way to do that than with new blood?

You could also try Yingsu Village. I think they’re still technically around but I don’t think they’re faring much better than us atm. I don’t know for sure though so they’re very much worth consideration.


Hmmm, there are a couple of Pandaren theme which come to mind.

You have the Steelpaw Huojin, though they do ICly embrace the more ‘assertive’ aspect of Huojin ideals, so offering a fair warning.

Also have the Kui Zhang Society (sp?) which is run by Kai’s Pandaren.

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