Wanting to hear the thoughts of anyone with the MacBook Pro M4 (base edition) with 1TB SSD or similar.
I’ll be playing WoW on it and it looks like Star Wars The Old Republic is also available, so my 2 main games - anyone with experience know how these games run on the MBP M4?
This is 100% personal opinion but I would not recommend gaming on a mac.
If you do so choose to game on a mac? With swtor specifically its best to limit your frames to 60fps. Its known to have issues “artifacting and glitches” beyond that. I have not heard of any such issues with WoW
Wow and SWTOR would be the only games I’d play on Mac, all others are console. Just checking and wow is actually on the apple site as being used in their testing on the M4s.
SWTOR is relatively new on Mac’s I believe. From reading online it seems to run fine