Hello, I am a 34yo WoW player who has played since Classic, missing only WoD and Pandaria returning in Legion around the time of Antorus. I used to raid quite heavily in BC/WOTLK/Cataclysm, however life intervened and I have recently found myself raiding heroic on a more casual basis. I am pretty keen to get back into it for Shadowlands. I take pride in learning my class and coming prepared, taking ownership of my mistakes etc.
I am eager to join a guild that does heroic raiding as I am more than happy achieving AOTC, with mythic progression a welcome bonus (however I am not after a high end mythic guild, a more casual/laidback mythic guild would be more my speed. I’d love to achieve cutting edge with a laidback easy going team). I have recently begun to get into m+ keys in the +15-+20 ranges with some of my current guildmates, and I have enjoyed this immensely. I am looking to play a DPS role, however I can tank if necessary and am always willing to build up a tanking set of gear, especially to run keys and assist guildmates.
Summary: LF Laid back guild to do M+ keys and AOTC shadowlands raiding and potentially CE with a laid back chill group of fellow oceanic players as just enjoy what the game has to offer.
M/W/F anytime after 3:30pm AWST (6:30PM AEST)
Sat/Sun: Very flexible.
Tuesday Thursday unavailable until 5pm AWST (8pm AEST)
Open to Transfer: Yes. Both server (ideally to Oceanic) and Faction if necessary
Hey Tuchalacha,
Livelords [H] Barthilas is recruiting
.We are currently recruiting all players for our newly formed raid team for SL. We aim to have an engaging and fun environment for members while still progressing through meaningful and challenging content. The plan is to comfortably clear heroic and based on raider interest begin casually progressing mythic.
We have an active guild advertisement on the forums (search - Livelords) so feel free to have a squiz.
I am easily reachable on discord @Slamwhich#7161 and in-game Slamwhich#6566.
I look forward to hearing back from you and I am more than happy to have a discussion and answer any potential questions.
Hey Tuch,
My guild on Barthilas is currently looking for 1x DPS for our raid team, I was wondering if you were flexible on what class you were wanting to play?
Our guild currently has the same goals you do, we aim to achieve AOTC with pushing Mythic being a bonus for us.
Our raid times are currently:
Sunday 9pm-11:30pm ST
Monday 9pm-11:30pm ST
At the moment, we’re currently prioritizing a mage for our final slot, but I’m open to recruiting different classes.
If you’d like to have a chat, please message me @
Discord - Kong#3759
Blizzard - Kong#11447
First of all let me just say you fit our requirements perfectly as well as our raid schedules. Most of the requirements can be double-checked by you in our post below however this message would be directed more personally in addition to the guild post.
I am assuming from the post perspective you are maining DK in SL and we do indeed need 1 UHDK for our heroic/mythic progression. We are semi hardcore, aiming at 3 raids per week however reducing it down to 1-2 depending on our progression completion. We are also based in Frostmourne Alliance so you might need to create a new character or transfer if you do consider us.
I’ll end of by saying that we are mainly an asian-based guild with numerous Australians that join for prog. We do indeed intend to get CE at our own pace, but of course the excitement at the beginning of SL means we will be going full speed in raids when they release to get a feel for it. Do consider us and thank you for your time!
Best regards,
BranBiscuits#1686 (Bnet)
BrandyBiscuits#6452 (Discord)
Hi there, Tuchalcha. Did you find yourself a home yet?
If you’re still looking, and you’re sick of hearing LOKTAR every time you click on something, [A] Inspiration on Saurfang/Nagrand & Caelestrasz might be what you’re looking for. Our raid team is mainly comprised of ex-hardcore raiders who can no longer (or are unwilling to) keep up with the daunting schedule of full-time raiding.
Most of us have full time jobs, partners, kids, or some combination of responsibilities that keeps us from playing the game 24/7. We consider ourselves ‘casually hardcore’.
We raid Wed-Thu 20:00 to 23:00 server time; and run mythic keys Monday and Friday nights. As well as pushing keys, we also run low level keys because everybody always has that alt they’re privately working on.
You can check us out on Inspiration dot net for a ten minute dive into our lifestyle and culture. Hit either of us up at Discord on Sky_Paladin#7635 or Light#9395, Bnet Malachiel#1815 or Syldagrim#1755 if you like what you see or visit our website at www.inspiration-raiding.net
Best of luck finding your new raid home!
Hey mate , i think you could be a perfect fit for our guild.
I have linked our forum post so you can have a quick read. Feel free to add me on Bnet#EVA2601 or Discord: Eva - Vengeance#0266 , look forward to hearing from you 
Hi Tuchalcha!
If you’re still looking for a guild, I’d like to introduce ours.
Resonance is a casual Mythic raiding guild based on Frostmourne OCE, raiding Wednesdays and Mondays at 8:30-11:30pm server time. I’m not 100% sure if that’ll conflict with your Classic raid on Wednesday - no stress if so!
Our roster consists of new & returning players to the game. Overall, we value encouraging and building our guild members into capable raiders who are wanting a reliable team to tackle Mythic content. Our strengths lie in our community, bonds, and ability to work together.
As it sounds like you’re after a more chill mythic guild rather than a serious, cutting edge progression guild, it sounds like you’d be an amazing fit with us.
If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, feel free to reach out via these handles:
SickleCat#1925 (Battlenet)
Miyoko#3450 (Discord)
Sphynxcat (In-game)
Thanks again for your original Contact with me Tucha!
It’s great to have you HERE in Syndicate of the Chosen with us!
Feel free to search for our Guild or pm me via discord @ Hotsauce#4262.
Thank you everyone for your offers. I have found somewhere for my Death Knight.
I very much appreciate everyone’s responses so far and am very happy in Syndicate of the Chosen.
Once again, thank you all for your interest and I wish everyone the best in Shadowlands!