Looking for new RP guild to call home!

Good afternoon, Moon Guard!

I am a long-time resident of Wyrmrest Accord who is looking to make the move to shift here to Moon Guard full time, which is made all the more easier with the new Warbands system. I still love WrA but I have spent months trying to find a new guild, and it’s impossible to find any that hold RP events inside of my active playing hours. So hopefully I can find some new friends and a new home here.

So alittle about me. I live on the East Coast with an early-to-bed, early-to-rise job. My active game time is usually between 4:30-9:30 EST, and I can be on later on Fridays, Saturdays and holidays. (I think Moon Guard is only 1 hour behind EST compared to WrA’s 3 hours, maybe? So 3:30-8:30 server.) I have been RPing for over two decades on many different platforms, but my WoW RP is quite rusty as I haven’t been involved in in-game RP since my old RP guild of real life buddies left WoW for FF14 back in Warlords of Draenor. Outside of RP I am a collector of things - mounts, pets, transmogs, a literal army of alts, achievements and so on. I am not interested in raiding, mythics or PvP as I try to use WoW to de-stress myself from daily life. I have a little bit of anxiety and ADHD, and a cat that likes to walk on my keyboard to get my attention.

I have a plethora of characters to chose from, both Horde and Alliance and many different races, with Pandaren, Dwarf, Blood & High/Void Elves and Tauren as my most common. Some already have detailed backstories tied to the Shado-Pan, Farstriders, pirates and archaelogists. Some are clean slates, and I’m never opposed to creating a new character to fit an interesting sounding guild. Almost all of my characters except for one though are currently trapped in Remix prison.

So if you hold RP events during the times mentioned above and are recruiting, or just want to hear some more about some of my characters, please give me a poke! :smiley:

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hello i am GM of Azeroth Circus and we are newly formed looking for others to join us! we are a circus theme rp pve/pvp guild. we raid/rbgs once a week. we run bgs, arenas, mythic+, role play guild/realm event, wpvp shenanigans and run legacy raids for xmogs, pets, mounts and achievements. we’re very laid back and chill. simply looking for others to join us that want to push content , role play and be social. youre more than welcome to come give us a try!

if you simply want to role play that is fine with us too! everything is optional because after all its meant o be enjoyed no matter what your preference is in game :slight_smile:

Welcome back to our shared addiction!

I will speak on my opinion of the Alliance RP on Moon Guard and let our Horde friends speak for themselves. Now is a great time to walk the commons of SW and listen to the various yells of recruiting guilds as well as see the general populace.

Here on A-MG we have things like:

The Blackwater Company - Ahoy and avast, landlubber! A pirate themed guild with connections and dealings amongst both criminal and political outfits, this is an older guild that continues to flourish. They also run a weekly tavern, The Rusty Nail, on Tol Barad and it is easily one of the best continous events on the server!

The Kingdoms - This one is comprised of many guilds. You have Gilneas (one heck of a big awoo for these fine folks), Arathor, Stromgarde, etc. These are guilds steeped in the Conquest system of MG while helping push the RP to bring life and representation to the various Nation-states of the Alliance!

The Silver Vanguard - Like your elves high and fiercely independant? Then this faction of Quel’dorei are your go-to as they represent the waning people of Quel’thalas that did not join the Horde. They have a militaristic lean as they are involved with the Silver Covenant but I am sure you can reach out to talk with their recruiters in finding a home for a Quel’dorei of yours.

The Crims - This is another catch all for the myriad criminal guilds of the Alliance. They go by many names and some change quite often. But don’t let that dissuade you as they are a tight knit group of like minded players who just want to introduce a little anarchy to your daily RP. These guilds are, imo, best approached by getting to know members in the city and proving you have what it takes to rob the local 7/11 without getting caught.

Your preferred playing hours are completely fine and mesh well with the CST time of the MG server. I am certain that if stroll through SW, even on an OOC toon, you will find even more than what I’ve mentioned here.

I wish you the best of luck!