Looking for Mythic Sylvanas Mount

I know this a long shot seeing as we only have 4 days left until the new expansion, but I’m looking for the vengeance mount. I was scammed about 3 weeks ago out of my gold for the mythic sylvanas mount and jailer mount. I have been able to recoup some gold and can pay up to 900k if anyone has a last minute spot available.

Thanks all :slight_smile:

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If only there was somewhere in the game to solicit this.

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I cant understand why people are frothing at the mouth to get one of the worst looking Cutting Edge mounts ever made.

Think about Shackled Urzhul from Mythic antorus for example, THAT looked like a cutting edge mount or the Felsteel Annihilator.

If you are adamant about paying for it tho heres a tip : if theres a level 1 rogue spamming for a CE guild selling a CE mount for 220k lol think to yourself, a mythic Sylvanas carry for 200k , it screams SCAM even thinking about it.

Hmm yeah nahh try 2million.


I like M Jailer’s mount, it’s three floating geometric balls. I need them balls.