Looking for More To Form Mythic + Group Then Expand To Raiding

We are a group of 4 friends from a guild that ended in WOD. We are adults with jobs, kids, and responsibilities outside of wow. With that being said we want to work on progression this time around. Our goal is to start by creating a mythic + group then recruit to form a raid group.

Current classes we play:
Monk (tank/dps)
Pally (heal/dps)
Death Knight (dps)

Current roles we need are:
flexible dps/tank (if you love tanking the role is yours)
flexible dps/healer (if you love healing the role is yours)
Augmentation Evoker (doesn’t everyone?)

Two of us have played tank and healer roles in the past so we can cover if needed.

Mythic + / Raid times would be friday evening (eastern time) and/or saturday midday or evening. Wednesday works as well if it is between 7:00pm-9:00pm. We will work this out once we have the group complete.

3 of our 4 members are horde and our main server is Alterac Mountains. we are working on getting the forth to sell his soul to thrall. Also one of our group members is more of a casual player at this point and won’t be counted as a mythic + group member.

No stress fun environment is what we are looking for but the ultimate goal is to progress.

discord: worldofwyland

Battletag: Wylander#1151

Any luck on forming a team? I’m a 620 ret pally and have a 620 Hunter friend and we are LFG

What level keys are you interested in / currently pushing? I main Mage but got into tanking and loving it so far, looking to push keys (currently +10-+11).

Yea same. 10-11

Always looking for good players to M+ with