Looking for macro management addons for duplicate classes/many alts

I have a lot of duplicate classes and alts of each class. I aim to have basically the same interface for all duplicates, so I want all the macros and actionbars to look the same. I’ll have general macros and class/spec specific macros and I would like to be able to manage them without having to go in and recreate them on each character. So my arcane macros should be one source and when I get on a different arcane mage I’d like to just draw from that one source. So if I need to make edits to how one ability works and have it apply to everyone else.

I had been using M6 to basically do this, it is a common bank of macros that I would just drag onto the action bar, but the patch changed this it makes a ton of errors, everything is wonky, I can’t click macros on the bar anymore only by keybind, it’s just a mess to what was a great addon before blizz meddling. In truth my needs are basic so I don’t need all the advanced conditionals and capabilities of M6, just the ability to manage and share a bank of macros.

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I’d also very much appreciate that knowledge, if it exists. Ideally for me, there’d just be a third tab for macros so that “global macros” and “character-specific macros” had a new friend, “class-specific macros” so I don’t have to re-make (for example) 13+ mouseover macros every time I roll a new priest, or swap to eight different characters on seven different servers if what I need out of an existing macro changes.

Not every class is internally consistent enough for one pile of macros for all. For instance, your healing macros would be worthless to a shadow priest.

No, that’s true—but except for healer hybrids and my main (who doesn’t spec swap anymore anyway), I don’t tend to run up against the macro cap that often, so I personally would prefer class-specific over spec-specific, because a Flash Heal macro turns into a Shadow Mend macro automatically and there ARE global abilities (CCs and such) that would be useful to all specs.

I mean, we COULD have both but one step at a time, haha

I didn’t respond to the OP because they were asking for a bit more stuff, but in your example there is a simple solution, though I’m sure there is an add-on. Creating muliple Druids for Alpha/Beta/PRT testing I simply copy/paste my macros from the Live server using the following folders (For each new toon I create a simple 1 line macro & reload to create the cache & then copy/paste/save the contents & reload again):

WTF folder macro location for retail:

General Macros:
WOW > retail > WTF > account > (account name) > macros-cache

Character specific macros:
WOW > retail > WTF > account > (account name) > (realm) > (character) > macros-cache

A long time ago I created a thread requesting a Class tab & someone suggested an add-on, but I don’t remember what it was. Then I figured out the cache thing.

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For anyone interested in this topic, I recommend checking out M6.

It seems the creator found a workaround (I get the sense they are very smart) and it seems they’ve restored the macros to a full functionality. This has been my preferred addon to share macros between alts for a few expansions now and I’m glad he was able to get around the latest nonsense.

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There is an addon called Mega Macro, it repurposes all of the many general macro into different categories; spec based, character based, general account wide. It also increases the character limit on macros and will show you if a conditional you wrote for the macro isn’t formed correctly.

While there is occasionally a conditional that the addon doesn’t recognize for whatever reason, those will still work if you know about them. Keep in mind that installing the addon will probably break your current macros, and you’ll always need it in your load out to use your macros, but otherwise I find it really good and convenient.

The class and spec based macros are account wide by the way, so any duplicates of those classes will have access to what you’ve already developed

See above

Just FYI, all macros are hard-capped at 255 chars now.