Looking for macro help with DH's new hero talent Evasive Action

Hey y’all,

First time poster. I’ve always used Vengeful Retreat on my mousewheel down keybind. I was hoping that just using /cqs would solve this, but it seems that because Evasive Action acts like a condition satisfied after trigger, and not a second charge of the spell, /cqs won’t work. Any thoughts?

For reference here’s what I used on my DK’s new Death Charge on my mousewheel that works and I was hoping to use, but I think bc it’s 2 separate charges of the spell:

/use Death Charge

Thanks in advance!

I’d try…

#showtooltip Vengeful Retreat
/castsequence reset=1 Vengeful Retreat,0

Might also work

/cast !Vengeful Retreat

Unfortunately, no luck with these :cry:

Weird, figured the castsequence would have worked for sure. I’ll try it out on my DH when I get a chance.

Bumping this incase anyone has come across a solution :slight_smile:

I’ve tried everything I can find. Most of the suggestions came from how shimmer works for mages, but none of those seem to fix this issue. I’m starting to think this is something that cannot be solved by a macro bc of how the conditional works. i.e. something like if keyup on vengeful retreat then allow vengeful retreat, which would be interpreted as a second keyup, ignorant of the first (so the second mousewheel tick would immediately satisfy the condition). Thought I could get around this with the castsequence timeout reset, but it hasn’t worked for me yet.

Thanks in advance!

Yeah I also have Vengeful retreat on Mwheeldown and maybe 1 in 10 times it lets me use it twice in 3 seconds. Very annoying design.