Looking for M+ guild.

Altoholic here.

Got 12 Alliance toons on ED.

I need a M+ guild to join. I gear solo dolo usually, no carries needed. I just need some friendly vibes and experienced vibes for the higher level keys.

I don't have long time segments where i can play. So that is why I'm not interested in raiding. You'll always catch me in the arena,M+ or achievement/mount hunting.
My main on ED is Castvox
Hey there Recolta, Bar from <Pigeon>-Emerald Dream here! We are currently searching for a few more dedicated DPS and Healers for our core raid team. Raid nights are Tues/Wed 7-10PM(CST), and we are currently 8/8N, 5/8H, & 1/8M. I'd love to sit down and chat if you're interested in becoming a part of a great family.

We also have dedicated players that run M+ groups quite regularly.

Full info - https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20769697149#post-5

BNET - Blake#13949
Discord - https://discord.gg/SUxhfVs