Looking for M+/Aotc guild


Just transferred here.

I play restodruid/hunter mainly for PvP, but once in a while I don’t mind trying to push M+ and clearing heroic raid (I’m an ex CE/Mythic raider from Legion, I just can’t sit 9 hours a week raiding anymore).

So I’m looking for a guild clearing heroic current early in the tier, with people actively running M+ (trying to knock a few 10s and higher every week)

I’ll check this post often let me know if you have a spot open!

Chocolate milk is late night raiding guild with a strong core team, made up of mostly friends who have played together for many years. We are currently looking to fill our ranks with raiders who are competent and knowledgeable with their classes, to push into mythic Battle of Dazar’alor.

Raid Times: W/Th/Sun 9-12 CST

What we’re looking for:

  • Healers ( non-druid )
  • DPS
  • Any Exceptional players that are mature and a good fit personality-wise with us.

Trial requirements: 380 ilvl and logs available to review

If interested in joining us, reach out to:
If interested in joining or have any questions, feel to add us!