Looking for Lore help

So, going to be looking around the Shadowlands zones for lore and wrapping up the quests, hopefully, for the zones, but I am curious about somethings I might have missed, won’t be getting into because of my covenant, or they are simply not out yet or is unknown if they will be out.

First off, I am a member of the Night Fae and 7/9 on the campaign. My most recent quest was finding the Horned Hunter and helping them with their hunt. I have not been in most of the dungeons or the raid.

Question 1: Has anyone seen signs of the Warlords effect on the Shadowlands? By this, I mean the same character twice. Examples are: Gul’dan (technically, 2 of them have died on Azeroth), Ogrim Doomhammer (1 on Azeroth, 1 in Draenor), Gruul the Dragonslayer (Outland and Draenor).
I doubt this will really be explored or has intentions of being explored, but just wanted to ask anyway.

Question 2: The titans and old gods. Are they in the Shadowlands? The Maw even? I have a theory that C’Thun and Yogg’Saron are still alive, we just killed their physical bodies, because Y’Shaarj being killed really messed up the planet (or maybe that was just Aman’Thul ripping it out of the world. I don’t know if it’s clear if it was the death or the method that caused the problem).
Anyway, are those in the Shadowlands? Any news on if or not we will see them?

Question 3: Is the Twisting Nether part of the Shadowlands, or are the two different planes? I ask because of the Legion expansion and all of the demons we put down there, plus those like kil’jaeden and archimonde.
While we’re on that topic… what about races like the mantic, ahn’qiraj, and… silithid(?), plus the… whatever Mythrax is. I am assuming they are different creatures anyway.
Do they have an afterlife too?

Question 4: What is the purpose behind the different Shadowland areas? Ardenweald seems to be like a place for those with strong connections to nature, but what about the other places?
Mostly, I am just curious.
Edit: I forgot to include this, but the main questing through Bastion and Revendreth made me think it possible to go to change and go to other parts of the Shadowlands. Like how Bastion seems to be focused on forgetting your life and living a new afterlife, or Revendreth of overcoming your sins in the past.
Is Bastion finding your true self? Is Revendreth accepting what you’ve done? Are there cooking recipes for alcohol so I can drink with my fairy friends and annoy the centaurs by trying to ride them to the next innkeeper?

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  • I believe Anduin said it’s connected to many worlds like azeroth and draenor however didn’t mention outland which could mean he’s identified the planet with it’s former name. Garrosh should prove it’s connected but will need to see the details.

  • Cosmic, elemental, demonic and enslaved undead aren’t collected by the Kyrians and Loa to be sent to the Shadowlands. They did deflect a mantid commander from the shadowlands but because he will slay a powerful necromancer.

  • The Kyrians and Venythr share a similar system however the Kyrians observe if the soul is ready to pass into the Shadowlands and the Venythr redeem the soul back into the Shadowlands. The Venythr can toss a soul into the Maw if it can’t be redeemed.

edit: This might help.

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  1. There’s some dialogue about Gul’dan’s soul being from an AU and the fae are like ?? odd - that’s about it. I doubt strongly they’ll ever get more into this, as it just makes everything far too needlessly complicated

  2. No and no. The old gods would go back to the void realm when they died - if in fact they go anywhere. Beings with big enough ties to any particular realm will go back there upon death. We won’t see them in the Shadowlands insofar as that’s where they’ve gone upon dying, but we do see some void baddies infiltrate Bastion, and of course there’s the Light’s big ol’ invasion of Revendreth at some point.

  3. No, it’s not. TN is essentially the ‘fel’ home zone, which is why demons rez back there. The faceless wouldn’t go to the SL, but I’d say the others would, yes. On the PTR there was a mantid sinstone, but it was changed (for what that’s worth).

  4. The purpose… is to be an afterlife. ‘Covenants and the people in them - #10 by Pelican-frostmourne’ - my post here covers this question.

You certainly can go to the other afterlife zones. Unless you mean ‘I’ve been sent to Maldraxxus, why didn’t I go to Bastion?’ - well the Necrolord quest covers this. You can’t change where you’re sent, but you can travel between them. Refer back to the post I linked.

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In an interview Blizzard revealed that Death is about eternity, not time, and thus when an AU character dies, they become threads as the main character’s rope. For example when AU Velen died, he became a thread within MU Velen’s rope, even though our Velen is currently alive.

It is unknown how AU souls that don’t exist in the main timeline function in this system like Uther Menethil from the Twilight of the Aspects novel or what will happen to Overlord Geya’rah. After all for all she’s referred to as female Thrall, there is nothing stating that she is, especially as the Bronze Dragonflight treat the AU Mag’har entering Azeroth was something predestined.

We currently don’t know where the Old Gods go when they die and the same is true with the Titans. Though it is currently theorized that it was the death of Argus that shut down the Arbiter.

They are two different places, the only possible demon presence within Shadowlands are those who have invaded or been captured like the Pitlord in the Maldraxxus arena.

Bastion is about duty, where your conviction is the source of your strength. Memories are washed away as it would include bias for and the Kyrians are meant to shepherd souls to the Arbiter, where she judges them.

Note: Uther and Devos bypassed this system when they sent Arthas into the Maw.

Maldraxxus is where those with loyalty and duty are sent, whose strength comes from their memories. Their purpose is to defend the Shadowlands from threats that would invade such as the Void, Light, and demons.

Ardenweald is where souls connected to nature and great spirits such as ancients, wild gods, and loa are sent to begin their rebirth.

Revendreth is where mortals, who haven’t crossed that final line, are sent to atone for their sins.

The Maw is unique in that while it does contain those who considered beyond redemption, it is also a prison for souls that are considered a threat to the Shadowlands itself.

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Alright, thank you for commenting and answering my questions. They certainly have cleared up some of my confusion on the areas of the Shadowlands and insight into the other covenants I’ve not yet been able to get to.

I do realize it was a bit silly of me to think that the 4 areas were the only options for an afterlife with Oribos being more like the office you go to before being placed on the correct region destined anima worm.

I was hoping to see the old gods and learn about some lore revolving around Y’Shaarj, like:
What was it like being ripped from the world by the hands of something that could have used it like a basketball?
Better than being near me when and as Aman’Thul did it.
(my gosh. that must have been chaos. like if Mt. Everest was slowly ripped from the world).

Also, I will be honest… I did want to see two Gul’dan causing chaos in the Shadowlands. One using regular rain of fire, and the other using green rain of felfire.
Oh! What about two Ogrim’s or Doomhammer’s just talking about their differences based on paths. That would have been some great content to just sit by and listen to.

Anyway… thanks again.