Looking for LGBT friendly guild on Akama server

Hi! I’m looking for an LGBT friendly casual guild, one that likes to hang out and have fun! Thanks :3

Hi Cienri,

Not on Akama server, but just throwing this out there.

Its Bloodlust Not Hero is an adult guild (21+). We are a Heroic Raiding guild (9/9H BoD) , raiding Fri/Sat, 8-11 pm Eastern. With a 7/9M raid leader, we will likely work on some mythic bosses once we have the roster for it. We are a pretty consistent group, some of whom have been playing together since Wrath. We enjoy raiding and running mythic+ together in a LGBT friendly team atmosphere where we respect one another. Due to a very recent move to Thrall, we are looking to expand our group with others who share our mindset. We are looking primarily for ranged dps, although some melee would be considered.

We offer all members a repair allowance, and raiders also get enchants/gems for their raiding toons. Our goal is to provide a congenial atmosphere where the members work together as a team for the guild’s benefit, with both casual players and raiders contributing for the common good.

If this sounds like a guild that might interest you, add Tails#1421 to your friends list and we can chat.

Our guild is LGBT friendly. I know we have the L…G…and T in our guild. As guild master and raid lead I am a strong supporter of the LGBT community both in gaming and the real world. We are not on Akama server tho.

9/9N & 6/9H Age 25+ AotC meta achieve team. T/Th 11pm-2am EST.

We are multi gaming group. Destiny 2, ANTHEM, ESO, Division 2, and more.

Btag = Armageddon#1974
Discord = Skybolt#2791

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Hi Cienri the ancients misbehaving is a lgbt friendly guild and casual and social on dalaran an est server. Ill add the guild info below for your info.

The ancients misbehaving is a guild of folks who want to be a part of a social and casual guild.
Our goal is to have fun in the game so we are looking for others who want to make friends in game.

We raid Tues/Wed from 8:00 to 10:30 pm est. We have a normal progression raid group. We hope to add heroic raiding as we build up our raid team. We are looking for those who want to progress in normal and help us with heroic.

We have folks who like to pvp, do mythic and mythic+ and old content for achievements.
We are looking for folks just want to have fun getting bosses down, come regularly and ready to raid and leave any drama at the door.

We are a diverse and inclusive, lgbt friendly guild. We want this guild to be a safe haven from the toxic environment that can be found on the internet and in trade chat.

Weekly schedule
Normal raid Tue/Wed 8:00-10:30 pm est 8/9 normal Bod

Heroic content once finished with normal, but we are not an aotc guild.

Current raid needs are dps/tank offspec and more dps.

Check out: https://guildsofwow.com/the-ancients-misbehaving

Or contact battlemom#1568