Looking for Late Night Guild

Greetings! Me and a friend of mine are looking for a late night guild and I mean like midnight start time PST for raids. I work a swing shift so I’m not home until 11:30. He’s pretty flexible with his raid times since he’s working from home. We’ve been raiding with an Aussie guild just to accommodate our time. It’s been okay however, sometimes the latency gets pretty bad.

Back in our hay day of wow we co-ran a guild in WoD where we were cutting edge for most of the xpac. We’ve since started families so haven’t been so cutting edge, really just looking for AoTC group now. Currently a 206 balance/feral Druid and mist weaver monk/rogue.

If there are any groups that fit the criteria let me know!!!
Btag: dunedain#11653

We are a bit more than just AOTC, pushing for CE, so not sure if that is what you guys are looking for now or what your skill level is.

We do raid at 12am-3am PST though.
Here’s is our full forum post for more info. Add me if you want to chat more. Thanks.


Do our raid times work for you?


This actually is perfect. With that time frame I would be very interested in going for CE. I’ll need some more gear before then but I’ll send a btag request so we can chat some.