Looking for Horde world pvp community

Hello folks,

Does anyone know any good world pvp horde communities? I never see groups for world pvp, crate farming, gem socket farming, or rand bg groups.

If anyone know any please let me know.


The only one I know of is run by Lluagor. Otherwise there isn’t one.

Sadly mine is just for the Wyrmrest/Moon Guard phase.

I think there is one called Guigan Empire that is open to all Horde. They have a post around here somewhere I believe.

Other than that, I dont know of any. Horde just doesnt have the same fight they used to. A lot of the people that ran those types of groups quit playing after not having anyone to fight for the longest time.

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This one, OP. I’ve seen them around.

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They’re just Terran Empire/Abolition 4.0 run by the same guy. I don’t know if I’d recommend them lawl. GM clearly doesn’t play the game.

Oh wow it is Cadigan… Then yeh… Dont know about that one.

The fact that the first two pages of roster are recruitment/spam accounts is a pretty big red flag.

BUT, I do see their guild members out in War Mode, so theres that.

Just had a look and…holy crap, haha. That’s bad.

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Warmode daily every night! We host 5 guilds and have 5000 Horde ready to slay alliance in Discord.gg/Guigan

leads the Horde to victory!

I see nothing wrong with having level 1 recruiter toons in the guild as Blizzard made guild cross realm invite. :thinking: Don’t really see that as a redflag lol

Sounds like you got farmed by my guilds over the years. GG’s

More like farmed you. Remember when you and Elite Horde tried to ambush Ruin in Elwynn Forest that time in Shadowlands, and you got flawlessed for 2 hours and then you quit the game after Deathology ninjaed all of your Twitch earnings? Fun times huh?

Shadowlands was the literal death knell of your guild. Fitting.

Also, what wpvp do you do? You don’t do anything nightly or you’d have more than 251 hks.

I guess you got tired of getting corpse camped on your warrior so you rolled rogue so you could hide in stealth.

Simply search “Guigan Empire” in guild or community finder. We farm the alliance on a daily basis. Largest Horde Warmode community in the game. Discord.gg/Guigan

Can I join the discord without being in the guild?

I need to get in that one on my horde… cant find it on search.

Ofcourse! All Horde are welcome

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Nacho Party also does crate farming.