I have semi-recently reactivated my account for BFA. I have been enjoying it alone thus far, but I think its time for a guild or at the very least a community.
I am particularly interested in Orc RP.
I have no experience in RP but would like to give it a shot.
I’m interested in all content and will play any role (Tank, DPS)
Bottom line is I want find the right group of people to experience the game with.
Hey Bruhle! Good to have you. You will find some good information and helpful Horde in the Discord and in game community, plus some events on the calendar in game.
Horde RP Discord:
horde rp community:
Hope this helps you find a fit! and Even though you are not a Shu’halo, hope to see you at some community events. We are always welcoming to anyone that wants to try RP
Greeting Mok’ra!
I represent the Ashen Wolf Clan. We are fairly new RP guild but we will soon have a WPVP side as well. Most of our RP is done in Kalimdor since we are a Kalimdor defense guild. We are sort of a sub faction within the Horde who know Sylvanas’ motives are a means to an end but we view honor differently than the current Horde. We follow a separate code and devote ourselves to protecting our home continent and our families that live abroad on its lands. We are accepting all levels willing to work with people on roleplay. A very welcoming guild.
What we offer:
-Multiple weekly guild RP events as well as World pvp. Total of around 4 events a week.
-Two different styles of RP/WPVP. Orok, the warchief of our guild, is a slower pace where we actually talk more about honor and values and have the occasional wpvp sessions. The other style is my blood elf demon hunter who views honor as second place. He views any enemy as an enemy without giving them a special title. His RP will mostly be on the Eastern Kingdoms as he strikes fear into the Alliance with guerilla tactics on their cities/villages. Heavy RP/ WPVP and faster paced combat will be this style. Choose whichever of the two or a mix of both to add a sense of realism to your character.
Sandbox style of roleplay - our events, once we get them started, will feature a dice roll system. This system will open things up to the butterfly effect. For example, if the Ashen Wolf Clan has a mission to liberate a town in Ashenvale and we complete it, the group leader will roll a dice between 1-4 on our next move to do with the prisoners. Rolling a 1 or a 2, we will execute the prisoners to send a message to the Kaldorei to remain off of Horde Lands. If we roll a 3 or a 4, we will let the prisoners go and let them send a message on their own.
We will host tournaments between champions within the guild. Where eventually we will have guild v guild 1v1 elimination tournaments.
-Our guild colors are gray, black, or white. Our guild mount is Garn Nighthowl.
- and so much more!
We were originally going to have only orcs and tauren within our guild but now we have opened up to all races to give everyone a chance to represent the Ashen Wolf! If you are interested or just want some more information, message me or shoot me some mail in game and I’ll definetly get back with you. For the Ashen Wolf! For Kalimdor! For the Horde!!