First off thank you very much for your time in helping me out.
Basic PC Speccs-
Monitor is 2560x1440
MPG Z390M Gaming Edge MB
Intel i7 9700k 3.6 GHZ
2 8GB Ram 16GB Total
Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060
So my PC works fine, no issues whatsoever, hell I can currently play WoW with pretty high settings and get no issues with FPS/lag. However what is concerning me is my GPU and I know its my GPU causing the problem because 4 months ago is when it started. So after gaming for awhile on the following settings, 2560x1440 100%, 7 sometimes 8 out of 10 on the Graphics settings with everything turned up to the max besides Ray Tracing Shadows being disabled and I mean everything maxed out ie- Triple Buffering, Maxed out Anti Aliasing, VSync, 16x, you name it I put it on max and had no issues at all.
But four months ago my PC would get extremely loud a.f. Took me forever to figure out what was causing it but decided one day to mess with my settings, disabled tons of things lowered from 7/8 to a mid 5 and for the past 2 months not a single issues with loudness coming from my PC. So I assume my GPU was what was causing the loudness from its fan for overworking.
So I am here today as I have lowered and tinkered with my settings to no work whatsoever. I hear a 2060 can’t really handle 2560x1440 well and maybe that is causing the problem? Or if you think it might be another setting or I might be able to do something else let me know.
However what I am looking for help with is the following, can someone please let me know what settings I should have toggled on and why. I understand the basics of things like VSync, Anti Aliasing, Triple Buff, etc like what they should do but I don’t really understand how badly they would cause my GPU or anything else in my PC to overwork or if my PC can even handle them.
So if anyone can throw a list of ingame settings I should be rocking down below whether typed out or ingame screenshotted from the Graphics tab much appreciated. Cause a 2060 should be able to handle WoW as I do not lag whatsoever or disconnect ever but I do hear my PC overworking and get loud overtime and that I want to fix.