I did a search and did not see one so I am creating this Topic hoping to initiate a conversation about what it might be like to rp as an Arathi from Hallowfall.
I’ve been toying with this myself. I’m in love with the thought of playing one, but I think it would be very hard to do so at present.
The expedition crashed in Hallowfall only 15 years ago, so we can’t really play characters that were born and raised there.
But if we’re playing characters born in the Arathi Empire, then our character inevitably know things about that empire that we just don’t know as outside players. I don’t know how to tackle that knowledge gap at present.
But it’s also 5 AM and I’m desperately tired.
Yes! Omg. Please do! I made one on Friday (on Moonguard!) and I’ve just been hanging out in Mereldar, reading bios of people who come and go…but most people right now are just in and out questing, not really writing. I expect that will also change over time and as more people get access tomorrow.
BUT FOR NOW… I’m a lonely Hallowfall Arathi. ;///;
(also, I would totally love to interact with adventurers!.. but 9/10 people are flagged ooc, so I don’t bug 'em. )
I’m new to MG, so I don’t know anyone. It’s a really intimidating place to try to hop in!
I’ve been thinking about several ways to tackle the knowledge gap -
More pressing concerns - for at least the past 15 years you have been in Hallowfell where every night could be your last. At this point the majority if not your entire adult life has been this. You talk and focus on keeping yourself and those around you alive.
It is strongly suggested that the Empire is much more closed minded than this settlement, in a large part because it has had to rely on others and seen the measure of their quality. You may not wish to talk about home when you know that home might not like you or your new friends much anymore.
The Arathi have a strong medieval and military flavor. You might just know the very basics about your own society. It would be easy to go with being a soldier that knew their side was right and blessed by God and the others were clearly deserving of death.
Many in the settlement are suspicious of outsiders and the Empire seems to be very much us vs them in their approach. You may not be willing to divulge the knowledge that we as players do not have.
You may be looking forward to a whole new life with the renewed hope of new found allies and focused on a future, one outside the Empire that you feel has abandoned you. Why talk about the past, especially when the past may have been a very oppressive regime.
Great thoughts! Thanks for giving some “encouragement.” Very much hoping to roll an Arathi.
Great ideas! I went with mostly the latter for mine, as in-- this is a new life, and we don’t really need to talk about it. It’s in the past.
Here’s to hoping also that their inclusion in TWW means there’s bigger things coming for them and we can learn more soon, too! ^^
I’m not sure if there’s any guilds or not, but maybe after this weekend when more people get the chance to play and progress a little further. I’d love to find some other Arathi to write with on my alt. C:
romance an evoker and write a poem about how the crosses in their eyes reminds you of the light of beledar
You could always headcannon that when your character was shifted under they suffered from amnesia / concussion and you’ve practically had to start an entire new life and you felt that detached you from your peers who seemed to have lingering attachments to the way “life used to be”.
Upon meeting your knew allies insert the evoker line about being smitten and then you basically learn about the surface world from them, they being new to the surface world as well, having an almost childlike disposition in sharing it, something you relate to given your lingering memory loss of your past.
As some previously said amnesia hook is probably the best hook for a arathi.
If you dont want amnesia a good strategy would be to make it so your character never went to the capital. Somthing like the child of a farmer/farming community that never actually been outside of their small community, lied about your age to join the expediton, (making you young enough to be in your prime now, and as to why you dont have much knowledge of arathi culture)
And if we ever go there in a future expansion just pic one of the small towns outside the capital as your home.
Not born there but raised as Faerun was after stowing away on the expedition.
Here’s what I think is the greatest stumbling block that players needlessly inflict upon themselves.
The belief that they have to fully account for their character at the start all the way up to their birth date.
The number of times it has come up for me? ZERO. Her birth and the prehistory of her parents, while fun to coceptualize has never been relevant to her present story.
I’ve been content to let the character fill itself out over time.
What matters is what your character is doing NOW. The why and how can com out later… even much later.
trying to keep everything tied together nicely, my characters are getting up in age, maybe late 30’s early 40’s perhapse. They all started in the alliance kingdom from various small villages or even within stormwind its self. They have been traveling along with the lore and story of wow as it develops, first as alliance guardsmen, then onto order of embers elites and as the story goes, we were tossed here on this island and stumbled upon the arathi, we got to learn and share with them and through questing, aiding folks and even participating in combat shoulder to shoulder with some of their most esteemed combatants we have found place here amongst them as they align mostly with our views and values and for now we just take part in the everyday events around Hallowfall.
nothing special.