Looking for Guild

Hi there,
Looking for casual raiding guild. Suiting times on weekends preferably but any days besides Wednesdays in the PM/late. Willing to move for the right guild.
Guild must be active and friendly. I am not phased at current progression as i just enjoy the raiding enviroment.

About me:
Im Fly in fly out worker out of Perth so i havent been raiding due to the fact i miss every 3rd week on an ordinary raiding roster.
I am however a vanilla player been playing since release and have most AOTCs throughout different classes and roles. Given previous experience i will perform well in any role i set my mind to.

Currently looking at playing either my Alliance Ret Paladin or Horde hunter.
Spent most my time PVPing and mythic+ this expansion as a disc priest but i find myself swaying to the paladin and hunters playstyles. I mean we play what we enjoy!

Looking for friendly guild and banter with understanding that i cant make the 3rd week of raiding.

Hey mate, oath is always looking for new members, we currently have a few minors and most of us have families so we’re pretty understanding and flexible hit me up on madenor#1864 for a chat

Hi there Leonhardt

Best Friends United is a weekend OCE guild that is recruiting DPS and Heal classes for our final G’huun push before BfD starts. Our raid times are as follows:
Sat : 9PM PST - 1AM PST (3pm AEST - 7pm AEST)
Sun : 10PM PST - 1am PST (4pm AEST - 7pm AEST)

We have a fantastic wipes to kill ratio (and hence a strong learning curve on progression), extremely respectful (and often hilarious) raid environment and dedicated officer corp that prepares the raid very well. Despite starting the expac late, we still managed to get Ghuun to a few % on a 2-raid day schedule and we are expecting a kill very soon.

We hope to add like-minded people to our family and head strongly into BfD. Contacts as follows;
Kappacino#11476 Untiemyshoe#1221 Aruza#1407 michikusa#11450

We are after some ranged DPS, if you’re interested in pushing Mythic progression on a light 1 night a week schedule.

Hi Leonhardt,

We’re a small horde guild on Saurfang that is looking for more players. We’ve had to pug some classes/roles but have cleared 8/8H and 2/8M Uldir and are looking forward to the next raid. We still have DPS spots open in our raid group.

We raid one night a week and aim to clear Heroic raid content first and foremost on Sundays. Having said that, we will have an optional night on Monday for those who want to clear through the content a bit quicker around release, and who might want to look into Mythic raids later on.

Our raid starting times will differ slightly depending on daylight savings:

6pm-9pm ST non-daylight savings
7pm-10pm ST daylight savings

8pm-10pm ST non-daylight savings
9pm-11pm ST daylight savings

Let me know if this interests you! Send a request for a chat to Skathlok#6824.

Bump. Still looking for Guild. Something with later raid times. 7pm + WA time +8 timezone