Looking for Guild

Hello there Emerald Dreamers!

I am not new to the realm. I’ve been around for a while, but I do main Horde on a different realm. I play on this realm every once in a while and try to do at least one M+ a week. I would like to maybe find a new guild that does M+ late nights (after 1am PST) or on Wednesdays (after noon/1am PST). Thursdays between noon/1am and 4pm PST work too.

I’m very easy going and I can take constructive criticism. I want to not only be a part of your team, but want to be better too. My main is on Thrall with the same name and 431 item level. So I know the dungeons and raids, but that doesn’t mean I am a professional.

My ID is WeirdoAGoGo#1506 Feel free to add me if you think I would be a good fit with your team.

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There are some great guilds on both factions with strong community bonds. Check out the emerald dream guild listings here to get a better idea of what fits you.

Guilds will usually either do pve or pvp, but theres a fair bit of rping around if you’re into that. If you’re not, that’s fine too.

Good luck with your guild hunt.

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