Hi Siael! Take a look at Weekenders! We have a FridayFunRaid (alts/new raiders) at 8p EST and raid Sat/Sun 130-4p EST. We do weekday M+ during the week (M/W/Th 8p EST) and provide an active Community too so you don’t have to server xfer if you don’t want to! All guild activities are posted and available to Community members. Of course we want you as a guildie but it’s nice to keep your old friends and guild sometimes, right? We are currently 9/10 H SoD, actively working on downing Sylvanas as well as working on Mythic Tarra (19%)! We can help you get geared and join us on progression. Check us out!
Community link: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/wPZV4A3fg3a?region=US&faction=Alliance
I look forward to hearing from you!