Looking for Guild

Hello! I’m Hier! I’m currently playing on Mankrik with a group of friends, and I am looking for a community based guild here on Mankrik. I have played some retail over the years, and have never touched classic till now. I have 0 experience when it comes to raiding simply because I have never really gotten up to that point. My current expectations for a guild is relatively one that has a decent amount of low level players that I can interact and do dungeons with, but at the same time I don’t want to be in a guild with 1000 members. Currently just casually playing, but I am looking to be a healer for the later stages of the game. If you have any suggestions on what guild I should join I would gladly appreciate it!

Also note! I’m currently leveling as a Resto Druid!

Heyo!! We have a pretty active community and are looking for other small groups of people/communities to join in . Alot of us are vets (Myself ran a guild back in TBC) so we’d be glad to help you guys out and show you the ropes and whatnot.

Tons of experience with helping people who havent raided before too!! Back in TBC we raided on the lowest pop horde server at the time and did a ton of that. It’s a bunch of fun.

We’re sitting at around 30 active people now 60-70 and focus is dungeon grinding exp/rep on our way to 70 , while we establish some raiding groups and our main 25 main group.

We also are in need of healers!!

Shoot me a message in game if interested! poponon or poponon#1755

Welcome to Classic!

Our core is made up of AOTC raiders from retail, and we switched to TBC because retail is, well, retail. We’re growing and learning from each other, helping out with professions, running dungeons, etc. Some are returning to Classic, and some of us are new to it. Our one rule is treat others well, so we’re a diverse and inclusive lot. The guild is named Comraich (com-ree) which is Scots Gaelic for “sanctuary.”

We’ll raid when we’re ready, and that’s optional for us. In retail, our raid times were T/Th, 9:30-11:30 pm Eastern (also server time). We’re spread out over four time zones, so that was our sweet spot. If that works for our crew in TBC, then that’s what we’ll go with.

Let me know if you’d like to chat more, or feel free to contact any of our guild members ingame.

Mizmac#1505 (btag)
Mceuan#9150 (Discord)