Looking for guild to run mythic plus and raid

Im looking to join a dedicated group to do mythics + with i have 2 other dps i play with im looking for a healer and tank to run with anytime all the time. I can also raid anytime i learn fast but im not pro. Looking to run more mythic plus / get into pvp again.

Hi Mangz,

Just wondering if you found a home yet? If not, Destination Ungnome is recruiting. We do a lot of M+'s as well as raiding.

Raiding is focus a few nights of the week - and seeking DPS across our teams. M+ is every other time someone said in guild: “I have key XXXX who wants to come”.

Our recruitment post is here:

If you haven’t found a home, look me up. If you have - best of luck :smiley:


Hi Mangz, If you fancy a faction transfer CJ are looking for raiders.

Recruitment post below.
