I am coming back to WoW after taking a couple months break due to work. Wanting to start fresh as a Paladin or a Shaman. Maybe try out DH later. I will be taking my time doing quests in the zones, working on professions as I go and leveling. I am in no rush to get to endgame since Shadowlands is coming out this year.
I would like to get into raiding when I get to endgame though. Raiding would be Normal and Heroic, not Mythic. I haven’t raided since SoO. I also wouldn’t mind getting into PvP (WPvP and Arenas). My availability is most evenings after 6:30pm PST.
Server and Faction don’t matter since I am starting fresh. I like the Alliance cities more than the Horde but I like the races of the Horde more than Alliance haha.
I’ll offer up an Alliance option!
I’m with Missunderstood, a fairly casual AotC guild over on Kirin Tor. We have a single-night raid schedule, playing Sunday nights from 6:30 - 9:30 PST. All adults, laid back atmosphere, wanting to make sure everyone can contribute and have fun.
If you’d like some more info, feel free to add me on Discord (Woogz#7277) or bnet (Woogicus#1450) to chat!
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Errant Venture is a semi-casual AOTC guild on Whisperwind-Dentarg that enjoys killing raid bosses.
Check us out on raider io for progression
Two raid teams and two raid times:
Tues & Sat 830-1030 ET
Weds & Thurs 8p-10p ET
Whisper me on my BTAG kohmet#1597 if you are interested
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Hello! My guild Virtually Impossible is an established guild (3 expansions now) that is adult, social, full of active members, with plenty of events/raids to do & plenty of guild mates to do them with. We pride ourselves on community & that aspect has given us great success.
Here’s the need to know:
Returning Players welcome!
Consistent Mythic+s from 0-15+ or higher.
Casual/Hardcore raid environment focusing on Heroic/Mythic Progression.
Raid Days/Times:
Main Raid - Tues & Wed Midnight-3 EST
Sunday Funday Alt Raid - Sun Midnight-3 EST
Current progression: 12/12H moving into Mythic.
If this sounds like a potential match please reach out to me @ Aradne#11285 (Realid) or Aradne#5473 (Discord)
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Hey Lavytz! We could use some more for our raid team
We’re recently reformed on Whisperwind looking for more experienced players to fill out the rest of our raid team. We’re 12/12H and a few of us like to do arenas. We could use a Palidan or Shaman! Preferably ranged or a healer. We raid 5pm pacific Friday and Saturday. Friday we finish up in 2.25 hours and leaves Saturday open for us to do something other than Ny’alotha. We would like to throw some attempts on mythic if we get enough people
Shoot me a message on Discord; Frozenvitals#3064 ! Looking forward talking to you
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Guild of returning players here, we are looking for new players to build our player base for raiding. We are currently 11/12 on normal and will be heading into heroic very shortly. We also run mythic dungeons and push keys to get people geared. We are on the smaller side, I like to keep it smaller, its easier to get to know everyone and people are not just a number. Right now we have 12 core raiders.
We are not looking to be a hardcore guild, as most of us have a life outside of wow and have kids. We play the game to have fun and meet people.
In need of a few more DPS and/or a few players who wouldn’t mind offspecing healer or tank.
Since its kind of late into this expansion we want to do at much as we can in preparation for Shadowlands.
We are a newer guild, but we have a solid group of players and a good foundation. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, hit me up on discord. I’m usually in most of the day.
We are located in CST. Raid times are 8:45pm and will go for about 2 hours. Day are Friday and Monday.
Realm is Gurubashi : ([H] casual raiding guild looking for more!)
discord: discord.gg/ntTktSD or Gameslave#4704
bnet: Morlanith#1757
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Thank you all for the responses! 
Maybe thrall can be your new home!
Cupcakes and BDSM is now recruiting to fill our raid slots on Thrall (Horde)
(Tanks, heals and ranged dps preferred but all are welcome)
Raid Times/Days: Wednesday/Thursday 10pm - 1am (EST)
Recruitment Contacts: Discord -
About us - Mature guild looking for anyone who wants to play the current content in a chill environment. We want to have fun getting to know each other, grow our community, make friends, while pushing the current content. Our goal is to build a community of tight knit guildies to build a foundation to push Mythic content in Shadowlands.
We run keys, old content, WQ together, we pretty much do everything the game offers and have fun. We also hold guild events for awards.
New and verteran players are welcome as well. We level, dungeon, help gear and just have fun. Any questions, feel free to send a PM.
hit me up, we can chat some.
[A] 12/12H NtWC US-Proudmoore recruiting members to strengthen our raid team for current raid tier and shadow lands.
We are a low drama adult guild with a nice atmosphere and helpful members. We are into our 10th tier as a guild and plan to be around for a lot longer. The guild has achieved AOTC each tier with some mythic kills to boot.
Are members enjoy raiding, running mythic +, and a few even like arena and bg’s
Raid times Thurs/Fri 10pm-1am PST
For more info contact
Armageddon#1703 Toon name Wolfestyle or
Impishgenic#1764 Toon name Belrythe
Talk to you soon.