Looking for Guild [NA/EST/A/H/N]

Hey there, call me Grim, I’m 30+, they/them! Returning player, coming back after a much needed break thanks to burnout. But coming back to WoW with some reinvigoration, and excitement for future patches! I primarily operate on EST time, and free most days, up until 10pm or so.

What I’m looking for is an active guild, that is warm-welcoming, Inclusive to noobies, and LGBTQIA+ friendly. As well as Socially active, both in game, as well as outside of it. Whether it be voice chats or just general chatting in text chats. From there I’m obviously seeking an RP oriented guild, that does anything ranging from impromptu/scheduled slice of life/social RP nights. As well as Long format, storytelling style campaigns. If there’s any room for interpersonal and personal (OC specifically) storytelling, that’s just icing on the cake really. That aside I’d also love a guild that does T-mog.mount farm nights, and just casual dungeon nights as well too.

I’m mostly a one or two OC at a time kinda person, but currently have a few that are needing a full write out. That said let me introduce you to a few I have high interest in RP’ing with;


-Sólarkhan Forgefury - A LF Draenei Paladin who is a grumpy forgemaster, and grizzled veteran. Who’s views and relationship with the light, is starkly different to other Draenei. Instead almost mirroring the viewpoints of a Demon Hunter, when it comes to the Lightforging proccess. Seeing it as a means to an end, if it meant the Legions demise.

-Sinvaelin Ravenfeather - A Ren’dorei who’s a former Ranger of Quel’thalas, who studies occultic matters. In an attempt to better understand, and prepare for threat’s similar to the scourge, and the void.


-Vylarin Bloodcrown - A Sin’dorei Blood Knight, who’s relationship with the light is a point of contention, and mostly utilitarian rather than that of faith. Who uses their martial prowess, and light wielding abilities, to not only Defend quel’thalas. But to ensure none, whether Elf , Orc, or Human, have to face the horrors they’ve endured.

With that said as a final disclaimer, I’m definitely rusty af with the lore. I’ll be trying to give myself a refresher, so that my OC, whichever I choose, Is lore friendly and fits within reason. But yeah, I appreciate you taking the time to read this post, I hope you have a great day!

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There’s a lot of Sin’dorei RP in SMC lately. It’s evenings and weekends mostly. That might be one option for Vylarin.

You can also join the WrA-RP Discord and meet some people, take a look at some of the guilds who are recruiting and find events.


Hope to see you around the server!

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