Looking for guild home


I’m a chill guy trying to find a guild home and be a part of what is going on. Started in Shadowlands. My currrent ilvl is 440 and 2200 io mythic +rating, 2h frost dk. Looking to raid (normal, heroic and eventually get into mythic) and do mythic plus. I have some experience with mythic raiding, farthest I have been is 4/9 mythic in SL. I feel like I have a lot of potential as a player have never really tried any high keys except one +20, but I would like to push myself to see how much better I can get. It takes a few pulls for me to learn mechanics, even after watching videos, but once I am used to the fights I do fairly well. Would like to find a guild that is chill but likes to progress. I am always open to constructive criticism/suggestions, provided that they are presented in a friendly manner. I am very active with WoW and put a lot of time into the game because I really like the game. I have discord use addons and weakauras and have been told I am great listener. Thanks for taking time to read this.

Feel free to review my profile and look forward to hearing from some people.


Hey Fiérçe, You sound like a good fit for our guild! Heres our guild summary

Where Loot is a raid and mythic+ guild seeking to grow our community. Our main goal is to achieve AOTC in every raid tier with a midcore approach. Our focus is to secure AOTC then transition into tackling some mythic content. As a guild, we are dedicated to fostering a supportive and social atmosphere for all our members, while also being able to switch to a serious mindset when required.

Raid Schedule:
Saturday, Sunday 7:00 - 10:00 PM EST


  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible – 9/9H AOTC
  • Vault of the Incarnates – 8/8H AOTC

Currently Recruiting:

  • Mythic+
    • All
  • Raid
    • Healers
    • DPS


  • Positive Attitude
  • Open to improve and feedback
  • 90% raid attendance

Recruitment Contacts:

(GM) Discord: M05final

[NA] [H/A] (Zul’Jin) Critically Dumb 9/9H and 2/9M (2% wipe on amalg with 10 pulls total).

Critically Dumb is looking for players to solidify our raid roster for Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible

Who are we?

Critically dumb is a guild formed by a group of friends that enjoyed playing together and wanted more from the community of the game. On a cold winter night in 2018, the guild was founded by a group of friends and has been steadily growing ever since. The original goal of the guild was to raid together but it quickly grew to become a guild that not only achieved AOTC but also has dipped its toes into mythic every tier since. We achieved 4/8M Vault, 2/11M Sepulcher (roster boss), and 5/10M Sanctum.


The main goal of Critically Dumb is to achieve AOTC each tier and progress as far as we can into mythic before the end of the tier. We enjoy progression raiding and enjoy playing the game together to its fullest extent in all forms of content in the game. However, we also enjoy playing other games outside of world of warcraft together and also enjoy content outside of raiding. Most of our raid team runs keys together outside of raid time and achieved Keystone Hero last season and have achieved it this season as well.

We are currently looking for all dps specs to round out the mythic roster. High priority needs are a spriest and additional (non evoker) dps.


We enjoy a variety of additional content such as PVP, mount/mog runs, and achievement runs. We have a very active discord and community.


It is imperative to our raid team that you are on time and can maintain a near perfect attendance to raid. Our raid times are 8pm-11pm EST on Tuesday and Wednesday. That being said, we understand that real life comes first and sometimes you will not be able to make it.

Let me know if you are interested and/or have questions on discord at dave.8008

Hello Fiérçe!

We are Bad Mood Bears, which is a guild of ex-hardcore players looking to fill our raid for mythic and pushing for CE. We have several previous CE raiders including our raid lead. We are a chill group simply looking to progress at a decent pace in a fun low-stress environment. If this sounds like it might be a good fit then reach out to:



Currently Recruiting:



Priority on:

Flex Shaman

We look forward to hearing from guys and we wish you the best of luck in your endeavors in Azeroth!


We would love to have you in over on proudmoore! We are currently 9/9h and looking to recruit for a mythic roster. We are a casual hardcore community that also likes to push keys. Some of us are 2500+ and looking to push higher. We have a small but strong community and it sounds like youd be a good fit. If youre interested just reach out to me on discord at ItsLysis

Hope to hear from you soon!

Hey! Our guild is [H] One More Pull on Zul’jin, and we’re actively looking for some DPS! :slight_smile: We raid Tues/Thurs 8-10:30PM EST and are usually really active with M+/PvP/achievements outside of raid if you’re into those. We only shoot for AOTC, a few may push into CE but not as a guild. We’re semi-casual - we know what we’re doing and expect others to do the same to make sure no one is hard carry and everyone can enjoy the content. Also really into pushing keys! Feel free to reach out on disc (Mollotov) if it seems like something you’re interested in!

Hi Fiérçe!

I think you would be a perfect fit for us in Antithesis! I lot of what you said really resonates with where we are and how we approach the game. We’re an AOTC guild that is hoping to start in Mythic once we get the bodies, and we hope you’ll be one of them! We’ve had Sarkareth down for about a month now, and are farming it to gear people up further while we look for more members. Many of us are in the 2000-2500 M+ rating as well, and when we aren’t raiding we’ve got a lot of M+ going on.

We also totally understand that fights take time to learn mechanics, and if we take a few wipes (or even a few weeks of wipes) to really start getting something down, that’s okay! We always remain positive despite any walls we hit, and we’ve been raiding together for many years, which I think attests to the fact that we have a positive, friendly environment.

We raid on Friday and Saturday from 8:00-11:00 PM EST, and have started having set days on Wednesday for M+ as well (but like I said, we’re on a lot and often running M+ outside of that).

If you want to read more about us on our main recruitment post, feel free to check it out here: [H] [Zul’jin] <Antithesis> [9/9H] Weekend Semi-Casual Raiding AOTC Guild Looking to Start Mythic.

If you want to chat, feel free to reach out on Discord (corvidae5887), Battle.net (Corvidae#11885), or in game on Zul’jin (Troglydite). We’re also runn

[H][US][BlackwaterRaiders] LF Team-Oriented Raiders that want to push Mythic

Progression: 5/8M VotI, 9/9 N AtSC, 9/9 H AtSC, 3/9 M AtSC

Raid times: Tues and Thursday 8:30 pm-3 hours after our first boss pull EST. We also have a seconardy Raid Team that runs on Thursday and Sunday nights starting at the same time but ending at 11pm EST for alts, people who don’t want to pursue mythic progression, and people who don’t make the progression team.

Hello, I am the Guild Lead and Raid Lead for The Deadmen. We are a Horde guild on BlackwaterRaiders (in the US).

Our guild is the largest and most active on our server, and currently best progression-wise looking to keep that title and get some more realm firsts! We also CONSTANTLY are running Mythic+ and have people cranking out keys all week and pushing keys anywhere from the mid-teens to the mid-20s.

We are seeking friendly, capable players interested in competing for high level Mythic content, have good listening skills, are patient, and are collaborative. Our goal is to have a well organized team that communicates well on the road to Cutting Edge. We also strive to maintain a competitive and fun environment that is welcoming to all!

We prioritize creating a space where you can be yourself and enjoy the time you spend with the members of this guild. We almost always have people in one of our discord voice chats hanging out even if they’re not playing together or playing other games.

We are LGBT+ friendly and welcome to members of all identities, personalities, backgrounds, military service, and political affiliations. We also have officers solely dedicated to mental health check-ins and support.

Please message me if you are interested:
Discord: TheGantaGun#3912
Battle Tag: TheGantaGun#1518

Hey there I’ll keep it short and sweet we could def use you We are Deathshow on Area 52 we raid Tuesday and Wednesday 8 to 11pm est we are 4/9m with Rashok to 15% so a kill coming soon if interested in some mythic Prog you can reach me at Sig#9905 on disc or Sig#11142 on bnet

Hey Fierce,

If you are still looking id love to chat. We are currently in need of a dk for our mythic prog team. Currently 9/9h and 3/9m. Will leave my info below and hope to chat.

Discord - doctersauce
Bnet - Doctersauce#1397

Hey I think you would be a great fit!

NRG - Illidan. Recruiting raiders for mythic progression for current tier and future tiers. We are an AoTC/Mythic prog focused guild formed from 9/9H 3/9M Abberus raiders. We as a core moved from Thrall as our guild broke up and came to Illidan to form a team/community to continue to push mythic progression and continue into future tiers as a Mythic Progression team. We also recruit casuals and M+ players as we push high M+ keys as well.

-Ranged DPS : Warlock/Mage/Spriest/Augmentation
-Melee DPS: DH/Rogue
-Healer: CLOSED
-Tanks: CLOSED

Raid Days/Times:
Tues/Wed 10pm-1am Est.

-Able to make both days/times consistently. Obviously everyone has a life but as a raid team we expect our raiders to just give officers a heads up if you are going to miss a raid day or 2.
-Minimum exp/ilvl: 9/9H Abberus - 435 Ilvl

You can add me on real ID and we can chat further- Zerorez#11983

[Degenerates Only] - Stormrage - Is Freshly Formed M+/Raiding Guild of sweaty Degens. LF Chill & Semi-Casual folks. We’re all about being loud and have a good time. We have some great gamers apart of the group that are happy to help/teach/hang out.

Our goal as a guild is to be a true community in that - folks feel free to chit chat, to ask for help, to group regularly without feeling left out or ignored.

H Reclears currently - Thurs/Sunday 9pm-12am EST. Content is easy - practice and good vibes are what clears bosses. Standing in fire does sometimes give you a buff, and its usually my healing parses :wink: Stress free and fun raiding environment is our ultimate goal.

If we’re not having a good time, what is the point?

Send me a discord friend request if you wanna chat more :slightly_smiling_face: You are welcome to sit in discord and partake.

Discord: mayonnaise_
Btag: Musturd#11211

Divine Esports - Stormrage (A - Accepting Horde)
Aberrus: 9/9N 9/9H
Vault: 8/8H 2/8M

  1. AOTC Every tier since BFA
  2. Weekly Mythic+ Keystones (upwards of 24+)

Our raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 7:30-10:30pm PST (10:30pm-1:30am EST)

Recruitment Needs:

  • Brew master or Veng DH
  • Mage / Shadow / Elemental / Devastation / Boomy
  • DK / DH / Warrior / WW
    High Priority Classes, Open to anything

Btag: Tyrue#1545
Discord: Tyrue#1556

Hello! I am the guild leader of Insatiable Hunger an Area-52 guild. We are a very newly formed guild looking for more people to be able to do some raids at the end of this tier and hopefully have a solid team for the start of Season 3. Currently, we only do keys and are looking to be able to be a very social guild with a promising future.
We are currently looking for all roles so please feel free to join.

We are looking at raiding Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 pm EST but that may change depending on when we have a team and when would be a good time for everyone involved. We are also looking at Friday and Saturday raids at the same time.

If you are interested please join our discord at discord.gg/FPAF6qCTAf or private message me at Syloz on discord as well or feel free to reply to this post. Even if you are not on Area 52 please feel free to join!

Thank you for your time and hope you have a wonderful day!

Hey there! Would love to chat sometime

Blood Overkills is a newly formed Alliance Raiding/Mythic + guild on Aggrammar/Fizzcrank that is seeking recruitment for a dps for our heroic raid and also for M+.

We are 9/9H and run high M+ content. AOTC focused if this is your cup of of tea.

I am a former mythic/heroic raider that has transitioned to the casual nature of mythic plus and heroic raiding. Focus would be weekly heroic clears (AOTC) and Forming Mythic + groups to push keys.

Raid Times are:

-Thursday/Friday: 10pm-1am EST

Feel free to add if interested. Cheers!

Battle Tag: razrx21#1725.
Discord: arrowzmight#9976

Hey Fierce! Hit me up I’d love to talk. We have a 1 night a week AOTC team and a 2 night mythic. Looking to have a RBG night as well. Fun to be had by all in M+ Raids end around 11:30pm EST at the latest.
Btag Belle#1386
Discord bellenoire