Looking for Guild for TWW

Hey there, im a 20 year wow veteran looking for a retail home. I have been playing classic as well as SOD over the past few years and have decided to return to retail.
I have mained either a druid tank or holy priest throughout my wow experience. I am currently only interested in pursuing the guardian druid.

A perfect fit for me would be a smaller tight knit group with a sense of humor.

Progression minded yet not the sort to rage and take the game beyond just a game.

Raids between 5:30 and 10pm pst monday-fri and/or 4 to 10pm PST Sat/Sun (any days work in those time frames)

Lastly, but most importantly I am looking for a group whom I can become in-game friends with. I have IRL friends, yet none are gamers. Itd be nice to have a group to play with while the wife is asleep and im on baby duty.

Willing to server transfer!

Appreciate your time in reading. I look forward to any questions/responses.


Hey there.

I’m looking for all roles and classes to raid in TWW. Semi hardcore, mostly chill, looking for progression and shooting for AOTC. Brand new guild, starting fresh. Plan to raid Wednesday and Sunday from 7-10pm PST.

Mmoargynn on discord
Mmoargynn#1987 on bnet

Good morning. I just read your post and wanted to share with you a bit about our guild.
We are a group of older wow players on the realm Wrymrest Accord. It is a RP realm but we don’t role play. We dable in a bit of everything. Very casual and everyone has a real life they need to attend to. Work or family or anything RL always comes first. Zero preasure to log in. The realm was originally very Horde populated so the guild was originally horde. Now we have many people adding their alliance toons or just alliance players joining as well. The guild does raid, run mythic plus together. We have a lot of casual people as well that like to farm mog,mounts,pets,toys. Some are altoholics and have a lot of characters in the guild.
I wish you luck in finding your new home and if you have any questions about us please feel free to ask. Have a great rest of you day!!

Hey! Maybe we are a good fit?

Look forward to speaking with you.

Hey how could i get in touch with you?

Here’s my guild post if you’d like to take a look ^^ me and my husband run it, and we have children, so we know how that goes. [Kel’Thuzad] {HORDE} <AZRA> recruiting friendly helpful players of any level for TWW - #13 by Mâgus-kelthuzad

Hey Cowmansteve :wave:

I’m a fellow wow Vet myself. My guild would FREAKING LOVE a guardian druid. If you’re available I’d like to have a conversation with you at some point. Here’s my guild and I’s contact information. Hope to hear back!

TLDR; If you’re looking for a relaxed atmosphere that still steamrolls mythic bosses and pushes keys, then welcome home, we’re glad you’re here


Welcome to Dead Heart! My name is Breeat (Frank IRL) and I have been playing this game since Vanilla. I’m married now and done with school so I have a lot of free time. So I decided to create a pleasant and pressure free community that kills mythic raid bosses and pushes keys. My immediate goal is to recruit aggressively so that we have enough players to start raiding once War Within season 1 starts. My long term goal is to have a roster of 30 or so raiders so that we can progress mythic and farm heroic / dungeon keys together. I’m also going to be keeping tabs on anyone with interest in becoming an officer to help me keep this ship sailing.An ideal raider will have previous raiding experience, an understanding of their class/spec, and prepare for raid nights in and out of game. They will also put in reasonable time to improve their performance outside of raid. During the raid, we will respect everyone’s time by showing up 5 to 10 mins prior to the raid so that we can start clearing trash on time. If you’re interested in becoming an officer please DM me. An ideal officer is someone who is a great raider and leader, approachable, transparent, and exemplifies what it means to be a member of Dead Heart.

Guild Philosophy

  1. Build a community of competent, like minded individuals that meet together a couple times a week to have fun killing raid bosses and push keys.
  2. Maintain a comfortable mid-core “serious but casual” environment where stress is minimal and no one feels pressured.
  3. Provide guild members with tools and resources that helps facilitate success in and out of the game.
  4. Improve on past mistakes and always strive to push past our limits.

Wed & Thur 8p to 11p Server Time (EST) +10 Min Break
Optional Alt / Farm Nights on Mondays

Raider Expectations

  1. Research the raid beforehand. It only takes a few minutes to watch a quick video or to read a guide on each boss’s meta strategy.
  2. Progress your dungeon vault reward to a minimum of 1 myth track reward until later in the season when you can no longer get upgrades.
  3. Have your gear fully enchanted and gemmed and have appropriate consumables if the guild isn’t able to provide them at that time. Let Breeat or an officer know if you can’t afford them and we’ll work something out. This will not be enforced the first few weeks of an expansion due to in-game economic inflation.
  4. Know your class and spec. I’m not asking you to become a parse junkie at all, but at least understand how your rotation and cd’s work and that your defensive / utility spells are easily accessible in a fight.
  5. Lastly, please make sure you can make the raid times. Post in discord if you can’t make a raid as far advanced as possible so adjustments can be made. Life happens and that’s fine, so long as there’s not a pattern.

Loot Rules

  1. Loot will be distributed by a designated Loot Council on our Wed & Thurs Raid. Monday raids will be free roll.
  2. The Loot Council will be comprised of Breeat, officers, and a weekly rotation of core and trial raiders. The scheduled rotation will be posted in discord.
  3. Council members are required to vote on every drop and results are final. Any abuse or exploiting of this system may result in being removed form the team.
  4. BoE’s belong to the person that loots it. They can equip it, sell it, chose to donate it to the guild bank, or add it to the loot table to be voted on. If you’re awarded the BOE as loot, please equip it immediately.

Note: As we grow in size, council rotation will exclude trials.

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We are a semi-midcore/casual guild that currently raids Tues/Wed 9-11pm Est with planned monthly Guild/Community events. We are AOTC Focus with the potential of casually entering Mythic. We have been achieving AOTC in current and previous iterations and are consistently looking for players to either join our Raiding Team, Mythic+ Shenanigans, Delves, Guild / Community engagements.

Our community prides itself in creating a safe place for everyone to play this game we all love regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or anything else you can think of. Our raiders will be the best players we can find but we will not waiver on our core values to accommodate a player that does not align with our beliefs no matter how good they are. TLDR: Family and Female friendly, LGBTQ+ inclusive, gamers, good memes. and ridiculous antics.

With that being said we are in need of Healers, DPS players, Keystone Warriors, Gamers, M+ Tanks, Social butterflies and are always on the lookout for exceptional players.

Please feel free to insert an application via https://forms.gle/ZLaxgQTsK94kP6iy9 We will PM you after we get your app!

Hai! We may be a good fit for what you are looking for. I will drop my GM’s blurb below and just let him know Shadow sent ya!

Betrayed Saints on US Stormrage is looking for members to join our ranks! We are a Casual Social guild, with the main objective to build a strong and fun community!

Being we are a casual guild that enjoys all different types of content and building a family like community! We are small but as we grow have more people diving into end game content as the season progresses. Plus we have those who love chasing mogs, achievements, secret unlocking and mount/pet collectors as well.

Most, if no all, of us are working adults or parents with children that play when we can! Life priorities first after all!

Many people are finishing the grind in panda remix and starting to swap back to retail to preparing for WW within the next couple of months! We will be forming a raid team during War within, but for now just doing pickups here and there to try and get some gear and the awakened mount. We are also helping those interested in pushing keys to obtain 2k IO for the mount as well.

We run a monthly lottery that’s been a huge hit and you could win some dough!!!

If you’re a casual player horde or ally! Come on down! We accept everyone!

Feel free to reach out! Discord - jewbaccathehut or Bnet - subs#1886

Hey everyone, I appreciate all the information and your time. I found a group who seems to be a good fit so i am no longer looking for guild.

1 Like

Hey, Cowmansteve,
I’m Ettyn with Chain Reaction. We are an AotC guild on Lightbringer running T/Th 7-9:30 pm pacific. We also run a lot of M+, most of our team earning KSM/beyond. We are a medium-sized guild, always clear heroic, and plenty of parents/working adults as part of our raid team.
A consistent raider would be a great addition to our team–hit me up if any of this sounds good to you: Battlenet Rowanbeth#1291, Discord: rowanbeth

Hey Cowman
We raid Saturday/Sunday 6-8:30 PST
We are currently recruiting afew more healers/dps for my guild. We achieve AotC in a pretty quick timeframe while maintaining a laidback enviroment. S1 7 weeks, S2 5 weeks, S3 4 weeks. After we get AotC we cut back to one day a week. During the season we have multiple M+ groups running frequently.

Add me on bnet if you have more questions Zurgilz#1715

hey cowmansteve, would be interested in chatting with ya about potentially checking us out and joining our team. All details in my post below. Let me know if interested. Thanks!

Howdy Cowman!

As of July 23, 2024 join any guild on any realm. No server transfers necessary.

The Dignified on Blade’s Edge is a large active 13 yr old fun, player friendly guild where you can find many guild events scheduled on the in game calendar.

Casual raids Fri Sat 6-8pm CDT open to all guildies. Mythic Mondays, M+ in guild chat every day, weekly old content runs, parties, raffles, mog contests, old school fun things! For more information contact the guild GM (info below).

RBG’s for all guildies 4 nights a week. RBG push team 2 nights a week. **Recruiting a team leader/target caller to help establish and lead another push team. **

ABOUT OUR PROG RAID TEAM: Recruiting a few more DPS. AOTC every season and some mythic kills. Solid players with class flexibility. Leader and others have Mythic raiding background. Contact our raid lead (info below), if interested in progression raiding with us. Tue Wed 8-10pm CDT (9-11pm eastern).

Raid lead Discord: olrazzledazl
GUILD GM BNET: Stormy#1445 (also for pvp)

Hi Cowmansteve,

We sound like a great fit for what you’re looking for, with the exception of playtimes. It sounds like you are jumping off as we are logging on. Older kids go to bed later :slight_smile:

If you are still looking though,

Venomfang Cultists is a smaller, cross faction/cross realm guild on Emerald Dream, looking for more late night players for M+ and casual raiding. We are a mature, friendly guild, happy to help new or returning players with leveling and gearing up, and getting in M+ groups ASAP. Groups typically start forming 10 PM pacific, Midnight server time. All classes, specs, and skill levels are welcome. We will get KSM each season, but M+ is kept fun. Raiding even more so, with most members content to see the Raids…We are not an AOTC focused guild by any means. If you are a late night player looking for regular M+ groups, or just some folks to hang out with during late night play sessions, please consider joining us. You can message Willowthorn#1522, or look for us in the in-game guild finder (make sure to check “cross faction”!).

we are a new guild starting out for TWW. We are all experienced players and long time friends and are looking for some good relaxed players to join us.